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As the Union Steam Ship Company proposes to despatch the " Marama " when repaired direct to Sydney only via Tahiti, there will not be any Dominion mails sent forward until the departure of the s.s. " Maitai " on the 4th Marcli. Regretting the serious disarrangement of the services as outlined, I have, &c., 11. Stephenson Smith, Resident, Agent for New Zealand. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington.

Enclosure in No. 27. The Resident Agent for New Zealand, San Francisco, to the Superintendent, Railway Mailservice, San Francisco. Resident Agency for New Zealand, Snt, — 311 California Street, San Francisco, Ist February, 1.915. On account of the disaster which lately befel the R.M.S. " Marama " it will be necessary to delay that vessel until the 25th February to effect repairs, and consequently it will be necessary to forward all mails addressed to the Dominion of New Zealand to Vancouver to connect with the steamer " Niagara," of the Union Steam Ship Company of New Zealand, from that port, scheduled to sail therefrom on the 17th February. This will apply to the through mails already here, and also to those which arrived at New York yesterday by the s.s. " Arabic " and were sent, forward from New York at 3.5 a.m. on the same day. You are therefore authorized to forward all through mails destined to the Dominion of New Zealand from this city to Vancouver, 8.C., to make the connection indicated. It will not, I think, be necessary to make an immediate transfer to the north, as there will be plenty of time to effect the connection, and it is possible, although most unlikely, that different, instructions may be received from the Dominion Government, to-day. If they are received you will be immediately advised. I have, &c, H. Stephenson Smith, Resident Agent for the Dominion of New Zealand. The Superintendent of the Railway Mail-service, San Francisco.

No. 28. The General Manager, Union Steam Ship Company, Dunedin, to the Secretary, General Post, Office, Wellington. (Telegram.) Dunedin, 19th February, 1915. Francisco agents expect despatch "Marama" 24th Papeete-Sydney. Are you likely require call New Zealand with mails? If so, will endeavour arrange. Reply.

No. 29. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to the General Manager, Union Steam Ship Company, Dunedin. (Telegram.) Wellington, 20th February, 1915. About " Marama " : What delay would result on her next outward voyage to San Francisco if she came to New Zealand on her way from Papeete to Sydney 1 That is an important consideration. What delay will mails for New Zealand suffer in the event of her going direct from Papeete to Sydney? Will reply immediately on receiving this information.

No 30. The General Manager, Union Steam Ship Company, Dunedin, to the Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. (Telegram.) ■ Dunedin, 20th February, 1915. If "Marama" sails 24th via Papeete Sydney direct, should reach Sydney l9th March- and if connected steamer that day for Wellington mails arrive 23rd. If called Auckland, should reach there 16th, Sydney 20th, leaving again 27th—due date. Have cabled Frisco inquiring whether certain can despatch 24th, Will wire you soon as they reply.