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The number of candidates who actually presented themselves in the examina-tion-room is given below. For the sake of comparison the figures for the previous three years are also given : — Junior National and Education Board Scholarships and 1011 - 12 - 1912 ~ 13 tn3-\i. 1914-li. junior free places .. .. .. .. .. 2,564 2,934 3,154 3,561 Intermediate (Education Board Senior Scholarships, senior free places, F rst Pupil-teachers) and Public Service Entrance .. .. .. .. .. 2,563 2,770 2,756 2,739 Teachers D and C .. .. .. .. .. 1,626 1,753 1,524 1,576 Public Service Senior .. .. .. .. 518 574 871 804 Typists' Examination .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 46 Totals .. .. .. .. .. 7,271 8,031 8,305 8,72T The Department's examination for Junior National Scholarships has latterly been used by all the Education Boards of the Dominion for the award of their junior scholarships, superseding thus without exception any examination locally conducted in earlier years for this purpose. For the award of their senior scholarships Education Boards have used the Intermediate Examination as arranged fer this purpose, the papers set being the same as those provided for the Public Service Entrance Examination, and the terms in each case being determined by the regulations of the several Boards offering senior scholarships for competition. Other purposes for which the Intermediate Examination of 1914 was used, with certain modifications to suit a purely qualifying or non-competitive candidature, were — (1) The award by examination of senior free places in secondary schools and district high schools ; (2) as an examination for pupil-teachers of the second or third year, and for appointment to pupil-teacherships of the second year or to probationerships under the provisions of the Education Amendment Act, 1908 ; and (3) general purposes of educational certificates of this standing. Under the provisions of the Education Act, 1914, Junior and Senior Board Scholarships will no longer be awarded, being replaced entirely by National Scholarships. As noted in the general introductory statement, National Scholarship Examinations will now lose their competitive character, all candidates who reach the standard fixed for the year, and are otherwise eligible, receiving junior or senior scholarships. For the senior examination the Public Service Entrance Examination papers will still largely be used. A further change will result from the issue of the new Regulations for Pupilteachers made in December last. As no provision is made for special examinations for pupil-teachers in subjects other than those of professional training, the examination hitherto known as the First Examination of Pupil-teachers will now disappear. The cost of conducting the Department's examinations was as follows : — Total expenses, including cost of additional clerical services temporarily £ employed .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,919 Less recoveries— £ Fees paid by candidates for teachers' certificates and others 2,024 Paid by Public Service Commissioner for expense of conducting Public Service Examinations, for which in general no fees are now payable— Public Service Entrance . .. .. 729 Public Service Senior.. .. .. .. 1,048 3,801 £3,118

No. 2. The Director of Education to the Hon. the Minister of Education. Sir, — Education Department, Wellington, 13th July, 1915. I have the honour to present the following report of the annual examinations conducted by the Department for the various purposes of Junior National and Junior and Senior Education Board Scholarships, of junior and senior free places in secondary schools, district high schools, and technical schools, and for teachers' certificates; also of the examinations associated therewith and conducted by arrangement with the Public Service Commissioner for admission to and promotion in the Public Service.