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Land Transfer.


27. If, at the expiration of the time limited in respect of any application as aforesaid, it appears to the Registrar and Examiner that all necessary notices have been given, and that no caveat has been lodged, and if no sufficient cause to the contrary otherwise appears, the Registrar shall proceed to bring the land described in such application under this Act, by issuing to the applicant, or to such person as he by writing under his hand directs, a certificate of title in the Form B aforesaid. 28. If, however, it appears to the Registrar and Examiner, at the expiration of the time limited as aforesaid, that there has been a failure in the service of any notice, and that such service is essential, the Registrar and Examiner may either reject the application, or may limit and appoint a further time within which caveat may be lodged as aforesaid, and upon the expiration of such term, and upon proof of service of such notice, may, if no caveat has been lodged, bring the land under this Act by issuing a certificate in manner aforesaid. 29. The applicant may, with the consent of the person (if any) in whose name the certificate of title has been directed to be issued, withdraw his application at any time prior to the issuing of the certificate ; and the Registrar shall in such case return to him, or to the person (if any) notified in such application as having a lien thereon, all instruments of title deposited by such applicant in support of his application. 30. (1.) Upon issuing a certificate of title bringing land under this Act, the Registrar shall cancel by stamp or otherwise the conveyance or other instrument through which the applicant derives his title ; but, if such instrument relates to or includes any property other than the land included in such certificate of title, the Registrar shall, by indorsement thereon, cancel the same in so far only as relates to the land included in such certificate, and such instrument shall for all other purposes remain in full force and effect. (2.) All instruments of title relating exclusively to the land shall be retained by the Registrar, and no person shall be entitled to the production thereof except upon the written order of the applicant, or of some person claiming through or under him, or upon the order of the Supreme Court or a Judge thereof. 31. The reversion expectant upon any lease shall not be deemed to have been extinguished in consequence of the land whereof such lease has been granted having been brought under this Act, and the person appearing upon the Register as seised of the land described in such lease shall be held in every Court of law and equity to be seised of the reversion expectant upon any such lease, and to have all powers, rights, and remedies to which a reversioner is by law entitled, and shall be subject to all covenants and conditions therein expressed to be performed on the part of the lessor. 32. It shall not be necessary for any Registrar of Deeds to register any Crown grant that may be transmitted to him for registration under the Deeds Registration Act, 1908, pending an application to bring the land comprised therein under this Act. Registration. 33. Each Registrar shall keep a book to be called the " Register," and shall bind up therein duplicates of all grants of land and of all certifi-

If no caveat lodged, Registrar may, after specified time, bring land under Aot. 1908, No. 99, s. 27

In case of failure to serve notice, time may be extended. lb., i>. 28

Application may be withdrawn by consent of persons interested. lb., s. 29

On issue of certificate of titlo, previous title-deeds to bo cancolled and retained by' Registrar. lb., s. 30

Rovorsion on lease not extinguished by bringing land under Act. lb., s. 31

Registration of Crown grant undor Oeeds Registration Act not necessary where land brought under Act. lb., s. 32

Registrar to koop Register. lb., s. 33