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Appendix A.]


Instruction of Teachers. —Teachers' Saturday classes were held during the year in Gisborne, Napier, Waipawa, Dannevirke, and Woodville. The following table shows the subjects :—

Tuition by correspondence was again offered to the Board's uncertificated teachers. Instruction was given to thirty students in the following subjects: English, arithmetic, mathematics, geography, history, elementary hygiene, method of teaching, agriculture, and dairy science. Instruction in the practical work in the science subjects was given at a spring school course held at Hastings in September. The whole course extended over a period of two weeks, and thirty students were in attendance, and the work accomplished was regarded as very satisfactory. At the 1914-15 teachers' examination the following successes were achieved by the students : Full D certificate, 5 ; partial pass in first section of D, 1 ; partial pass for D, 7. District High Schools. —[See E.-6, Report on Secondary Education.] Manual and Technical Instruction. —[See E.-5, Report on Manual and Technical Instruction.] Except in a few of the household schools, some form of handwork was taken by all the schools in the education district. The following table shows the subjects of instruction, the number of schools in which instruction was given, and the average attendance at the classes receiving such instruction: — Number of Average Schools. Attendance. Handwork .. .. .. .. .. ..103 9,404 Elementary agriculture .. . . .. .. 55 896 Agriculture and dairy science .. .. .. ..31 665 Elementary chemistry .. .. .. .. .. 1 49 Elementary physical measurements . . .. . . .. 6 368 Woodwork .. .. .. .. .. 16 686 Cookery .. .. .. .. .. . . 10 565 Dressmaking .. .. . . .. .. 16 515 Swimming and life-saving .. .. .. .. .. 2 230 Physical Instruction. —Practically the whole of the adult teachers of the district have had an opportunity of instruction in the new form of physical training, so that generally the old form of drill has given place to the new system. The Board's Inspectors report: "We acknowledge with pleasure a satisfactory improvement in the physique of the children, and suggest that at a time like the present a revival of cadet drill and shooting for all boys in the Sixth. Standard would not be out of place." With this suggestion the Board is in entire sympathy. Scholarships. —The scholarships in tenure at the end of 1914 were —Junior Board, 49 ; Senior Board, 21 ; Junior National, 8. At the end of the year 210 candidates sat for the Junior Scholarship ; sixty-six qualified. For the Senior Scholarship sixty-six competed ; forty-five qualified. Buildings. —During the year new schools were completed at Mahora South (Hastings), Napier West, Woodlands Road, and Marumaru. Additions were made to Te Hapara (two), M'angapapa (two), Mahora North (two), Ormond (two), Twyford, Ongaonga, and Waipukurau Schools. The following buildings were painted and thoroughly renovated during the year by the Board's workmen : Schools—Napier Main and Infants' School, Port Ahuriri, Puketitiri, Mohaka, Mangaone Valley, Patutahi, Ormond, Taradale, Rissington, Clive, Frasertown, Tiniroto, Muriwai, To Arai, Te Hauke, Port Awanui; residences —Puketitiri, Wairoa, Mohaka, Patutahi, Rissington, Hastings, Tiniroto, Te Arai, Clive, Frasertown, Muriwai, and Taradale. The interiors of the residences at Dannevirke North, Otane, Ashley Clinton, and Norsewood also received attention. Old furniture continues to be replaced by single and dual desks. During the year ended 27th February, 1915, 691 dual and 113 single desks were turned out from the Board's workshop. The Board has employed on an average six carpenters"and six painters throughout the year. Finance.- —The cash balance on the 31st December, 1913, was £2,933 7s. sd. During the year receipts have totalled £78,727 7s. 4d., the disbursements £78,518 145., leaving a credit balance of £3,412 os. 9d. School Committees.- —During the year the incidental allowances paid to Committees have totalled £3,604 Is. 4d., or 6s. 6d. per unit of average attendance in the district. Under the new Act the estimated total to be received from the Government on this account will be £400 less than that payable under the Board's old regulations. At present the Board, while sympathizing with Committees in the reduction of income, and while recognizing that the amounts paid in the past were none too liberal, has now been compelled, in view of the uncertainty of the amount that the Board may be compelled to expend under the provisions of the new Act, to decide to pay at the rate provided by the Government. I have, &c, The Hon. the Minister of Education, Wellington. J. H. Sheath, Chairman.

ii—E. 2 (App. a.)


Science. Art. Centre. — Roll. Average. Subject. Roll. Average. Subjeot. Gisborne Napier Waipawa Dannevirke Woodville Elementary hygiene .. ), • ■ Dairy science Elementary hygiene . . Dairy science 22 41 5 14 14 22 41 5 14 14 12 27 4 10 10 Drawing Drawing (three classes) 1.7 121 14 11 80 11 Drawing Totals I (Six classes) 96 96 63 (Five classes) 142 102