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Land, Transfer.


under the provisions of any Act of the General Assembly, and no certificate- of title shall be impeached on the ground of uncertainty or otherwise on account of any such reservation therein contained. Applications to bring Land under Act. 19. Land which has not become subject to this Act in any manner under the foregoing provisions may, if the same has been alienated or contracted to be alienated from the Crown in fee, be brought under the operation hereof, in manner hereinafter provided ; but no application shall be received to bring under this Act land for which no Crown grant has been issued until such application has been approved by the Surveyor-General, or by some person appointed by him for the purpose, and has been assented to by the Governor. 20. (1.) The Registrar of each district shall receive applications for the purpose aforesaid in the Form A in the Second Schedule hereto, if made by any of the following persons, that is to say : — (a.) By any person (claiming to be the person) in whom the feesimple of the land is vested in possession either at law or in equity: Provided that, wherever trustees other than trustees of public reserves have no express power to sell the land which they seek to bring under this Act, the person claiming to be beneficially entitled to such land shall concur in such application : (b.) By any person claiming a life estate in possession, not being a lease for a life or lives : Provided that all persons claiming to be beneficially entitled in reversion or remainder shall concur in such application : (c.) By any person having power legally or equitably to dispose of the fee-simple in possession, but if subject to the consent of any other person, then with such consent: (d.) By any person or body corporate holding any land as a public reserve, but in such case subject to the trusts affecting such reserve : (e.) By the guardian of any infant, or the committee or guardian of any lunatic or person of unsound mind, making such application in the name of such infant, lunatic, or person of unsound mind : (/.) By any agent holding a power of attorney authorizing the sale of a freehold estate in any land of an absent proprietor, and making such application in the name of such proprietor, unless such power expressly prohibits his so doing. (2.) But no application shall be received — (g.) From any person claiming to be entitled to an undivided share of any land, unless the persons who appear to be entitled to the other undivided shares of the said land join in such application with a view to bringing the entirety under this Act; nor (A.) From the mortgagor of any land, unless the mortgagee consents to such application ; nor (i.) From the mortgagee of any land, except in exercise of a power of sale contained in the mortgage. 2—A. 4.

Land may be brought under Act on application ol person entitled. 1908, No. 99, s. 19

By whom applications may be made. lb., s. 20 1913, No. 17,s 5