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Table B2a.—Comparison of School Attendance at Public Schools for 1913 and 1914, North Island and South Island.

Table B3. —Average Attendance for the Year 1914 at the Public Schools as grouped in Table A1, as estimated for determining the Grades of Schools. (Part I of the First Schedule to the Education Amendment Act, 1908.)

The following notes are appended in explanation of this table : — A.—The average attendance as given in Table B3 differs from that in Table BI for the following reasons : — (1.) Under certain contingencies, the regulations provide that for the elimination of one or two quarter's averages in the case of any school or department if the grade of the school or department would be raised or maintained by calculating the yearly average attendance on the mean of the remaining quarters' averages. The amended average attendance thus ascertained is reckoned for the sole purpose of determining the grade of the school, and consequently this amended average attendance is used in the compilation of Table 83, which gives the schools according to their grades. For statistical purposes the average attendance as given in Table Bl should be taken. (2.) The totals of this table are for the mean of the four quarters of each school taken separately, not the mean of the gross quarterly totals of all schools. (3.) New schools, many of which were open for only part of the year, are included as having an average attendance for the. whole year ; whereas in Table Bl the average attendance is included only for those quarters during which the schools were open. B. —This table shows the average attendance for determining the grades of schools. For determining the " primary " staffs of schools, however, the figures require to be reduced by the attendance in secondary departments of district high schools, viz. : Grade IV, 25 ;V,52 ; Vla, 110; Vlb, 140; VIIa, 135 ; VIIb, 96 ; VIIIa, 268 ; VIIIb, 164 ; VIIIc, 47 ; IXa, 268 ; IXb, 37 ; IXc, 122 ; Xa, 132 ; Kb, 39 ; Xc, 48 ; Xd, 245 ; Xc, 233 : total, 1,928.


Excluding Secondary Departments, listrict i.u'l 100. Is. Average Attendance. Districts. 1913. 1914. Difference. % Auckland Taranaki Wanganui Wellington Hawke's Bay 40,51.0 5,351 13,706 16,351 10,183 42,832 5,511 14,118 17,142 10,938 2,322 160 412 791. 755 Totals. North Island 86,101 90,541 4,440 Marlborough Nelson Grey Westland North Canterbury South Canterbury Otago Southland 2,158 5,61.0 1,726 1,047 18,961 5,145 18,955 9,656 2,251 5,743 1,740 1,041 19,874 5,427 19,504 10,090 93 133 14 — 6 913 282 549 434 ■ Totals, South Island 63,258 65,670 2,412 Totals for Dominion 149,359 1.50,211 6,852

(Inel iding Set ;ondary Departmen ,s of District lg] 100. Is. Grade. a c3 o p 3 cS a cet te c3 rt fl cS to fl 3 fl" o to a © fr <a HH JB "© M t <S ffi JQ to o o u o jCl 3 a O -1 9 te Z, cS CO © IS rH IH -BhQ ■£& u ri a h o © 5 © cd c3 o o a Totals 3 for a 1914. a o en Totals for 1913. o tic S o 0 1-8 1 9-15 II 16-25 III 26-35 IV 36-80 V 81-120 VT fVU 121-160 V |VIb 161-200 v . r fVIlA 201-250 vii jVIlB 251-300 VIIIa 301-350 mi- VIIIb 351-400 VIIIo 401-450 ,'IXa 451-500 IX -j IXb 501-550 lIXo 551-600 iXjl 601-650 Xb 051-700 Xc 701-750 X-l'Xr, 751-800 Xe 801-850 Xp 851-900 \Xg 901-950 299 1,580 2,842 2,697 6,970 2,541 1,209 1,850 2,842 1,231 2,550 1,208 411 2,958 1,108 580 3,143 652 2,813 2,328 811 868 3 208 452 435 1,708 589 144 49 464 734 599 3,128 1,022 1,600 48 292 591 819 1,651 944 1,048 895 1,349 523 2,461 379 455 1,021 57 413 252 518 1,563 1,198 38S 958 506 1,662 1,015 331 169 271 217 76 566 169 147 78 345 399 328 1,409 460 863 545 494 261 28 99 112 89 262 101 34 135 80 112 218 186 29 381 937 889 2,495 2,150 787 875 715 533 2,099 769 8 149 509 554 630 556 122 178 221 83 503 1,128 875 2,959 1,328 827 955 651 264 1,973 725 883 493 2,132 2,328 647 76 360 676 878 1,906 1,014 678 901 658 961 5,200 8,929 8,869 25,465 12,258 7,813 7,362 9,285 5,577 13,376 4,200 4,000 8,353 5,003 5,388 7,593 3,326 5,618 5,410 2,519 2,780 930 4,788 9,268 8,761 24,080 12,039 8,445 6,284 7,748 7,847 9,404 4,921 5,755 6,516 6,918 1,800 9,631 2,108 5,684 4,098 2,361 1,792 751 517 720 1,103 1,985 197 205 415 420 349 944 885 928 583 451 473 1,449 368 464 1,081 451 534 646 663 640 1,274 617 671 735 669 1,206 2,523 694 773 1,485 1,297 1,708 847 750 952 960 Totals, 1914 Totals, 1913 43,491 40,887 5,673 5,491 14,4.40 14,111 17,481 16,611 11,119 10,369 2,263 2,167 5,851 5,706 1,784 1,771 1,114 1,112 20,330 19,329 5,540 5,276 264 20,051 19,345 10148 9,707 159,285 151,882 151,882 Difference 2,604 182 329 870 750 96 145 13 2 1,001 706 441 7,403