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Land Transfer.


6. Any person may from, time to time be appointed to hold any of the aforesaid offices in conjunction, and to exercise the functions thereof concurrently. 7. Subject as aforesaid, no person shall be appointed to the office of Registrar-General of Land, District Land Registrar, or Examiner of Titles unless such person has been admitted as a barrister or solicitor of the Supreme Court, or has passed such special examination as is prescribed by regulations under this Act, and no person so appointed shall, during tenure of office, practise either directly or indirectly as a barrister, solicitor, or land broker, or be in partnership with any person so practising. 8. All persons heretofore appointed or hereafter to be appointed to any office as aforesaid shall hold such office subject to the provisions of any Act for the time being regulating the Public Service ; and, subject thereto, any such appointment may be cancelled, and thereupon, or upon the death or resignation of any officer, any new appointment may be made as may be necessary. 9. Every Registrar shall have and use a seal of office bearing the impression of the Royal Arms, and having inscribed in the margin the words, " [Name of district] District Land Registrar, New Zealand " ; and every instrument bearing the imprint of such seal, and purporting to be signed or issued by a Registrar, or by his assistant or deputy, shall be received in evidence, and shall be deemed to be signed or issued by or under the direction of such Registrar, without further proof, unless the contrary is shown. Land subject to Provisions of this Act. 10. The following land shall be subject to the provisions of this Act :— (a.) All land which has already in any manner become subject to the provisions of any former Land Transfer Act: (b.) All land hereafter alienated or contracted to be alienated from the Crown in fee : (o.) All land in respect of which any order is hereafter made under the provisions of any Native Land Act in force for the time being which has the effect of vesting such land in any person in freehold tenure : (d.) All land which hereafter becomes vested in any person for an estate in fee-simple in possession by virtue of any Act of the General Assembly. 11. Land over which the Native title has been extinguished since the constitution of the district within which the same is situate, but prior to the thirty-first day of August, eighteen hundred and seventyfour, shall come under the provisions of this Act upon the registration of a Crown grant, or certificate of title in lieu of grant. Title in Substitution of Crown Grant. 12. No Crown grant shall be issued for any land subject to the provisions hereof; but in lieu of such grant the Governor shall, by warrant under his hand, direct the Registrar to issue a certificate of title for such land in the form in the First Schedule hereto ; and every such certificate, when signed and registered, shall have the force and effect of a Crown grant.

Offices may be held conjointly. 1908, No. 99, s. 6 1912, No. 23, s. 60(3)

Barristers or solicitors only to be appointed to certain offices. 1908, No. 99, s. 7

Officers to be subject to regulations of Public Sorvice. 11... s. 8 1912, No. 23, s. 60 (3)

.Registrar to have and use seal of office. 1008. No. 99, s. 0

What lands subject to this Act. Ih., s. 10

Special provision as to land under Native Land Act in certain cases. Ib.,s. II

Governor may by warrant direct issue of certificate of titlo in lieu of grant. lb., s. 12