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Land Transfer.

LAND TRANSFER. Titl6i ANALYSIS. 1. Short Title. Proporty Law Act not to con- I 36. Memorial defined flict with this Act. I 37. Memorial to bo recorded on duplicate grant 2. Interpretation. or other instrument. Certificate to be evidence of registration. Districts, Officers, <Soc. 38. Instruments not effectual until entry made 3 Existing districts continued. Governor may in Register. abolish or alter districts. 39. Informal instruments not to be registered. 4. Appointment of Registrar-General and. other 40. Registrar may dispense with duplicate officors. Existing officers continued. instruments in certain eases. 5. Appointment of deputies. 41. Certified copies of Register to bo evidence. 6. Offices may be held conjointly. 42. Register to be open for search. 7. Barristers or solicitors only to be appointed 43. Instrument not to be registered unless duly to certain offices. stamped. 8. Officers to be subject to regulations of Public 44. Where boundaries of district altered by Service. including lands in other district, copies 9. Registrar to have and use seal of office. of original Registers to be evidence of dealings with lands so included. Land subject to Provisions of this Act. 10. What lands subject to this Act. District Agents. 11. Special provision as to land under Native 45. Registration through District Agents. PriLand Act in certain cases. ority of instruments so registered. Title in Substitution of Grown Grant Provisional Registration. 12. Governor may by warrant direct issue of 46. Until Register duly constituted, land to be certificate of title in lieu of grant. provisionally registered. 13. Particulars to be specified in warrant, and 47. When Register duly constituted, Provisional to be conclusive evidence to Registrar. Register to be closed and memorials 1.4. Certificate may be issued to person entitled transferred to Register. at time of issue of warrant. 48. Entries in Provisional Register to be cvi--15. Certificate to issue subject to existing mourn- dence of title. brances. 49. Provisions of Act to apply to provisional 16. Warrant not necessary for issue of certificate registration. to persons entitled by virtue of Act of 50. No dealings to be registered, until payment of General Assembly. fees. 17. Warrant for issue of certificate in lieu of j A)st Title-deeds. grant to fix antevesting date. Land to 5L y, me Court ma inves ti g ate cases of lost be u nder Act from such date. deeds 18. Reservation of road by Governor's warrant 52 _ May ma k e order for dairaant to be registered to nave same effect as it reserved in Crown s Dl . oDr i e (; or grant Reservation of road in certificate C(mrt fo be j ded b real justica of titlo not to vitiate the same. Outstanding Interests. Applications to bring Land under Act. u Interests outstanding at time of bringing 19 Land may be brought under Act on appli- land under Act to bo notified in Register, cation of person entitled. 5g _ i nte rests registered under Deeds Registra--20. By whom applications may be made. tion Aot to be recog nized in certain cases. 21. Applicant to surrender title-deeds. s6 Assurance Fund not liable for loss sustained 22. Procedure on application. through neglect of claimant to register. 23. If all necessary parties concur, application to be gazetted. . 24. If applicant is original grantee, application Registered Proprietors. to be forthwith gazetted. 57. Persons jointly registered to be joint tenants. 25. If nocossary parties do not concur, Registrar 58. Estate of registered proprietor paramount. may reject application, or may order ser- 59. Registered proprietor protected, against ejectvice of notices. ment except in certain cases. 26. Notice of application to be posted in Land 60. When land brought under Act title guaranRegistry Office of district. toed to registered proprietor. 27. If no caveat lodged, Registrar may, after specified time, bring land under Act. Certificate of Title. 28. In case of failure to serve notice, time may 01, Registered proprietor entitled to certificate be extended. of title. 29. Application may be withdrawn by consent 62. Existing incumbrances to be noted in certiof porsons interested. ficate. 30. On issue of certificate of titlo, previous title- 03. Certificate, how to be dated. May be ante deeds to be cancelled and retained by dated. Registrar. 64. How memorial of easement to be recorded. 31. Reversion on lease not extinguished by 05. Tenants in common entitled to separate; bringing land under Act. certificates. 32. Registration of Crown grant under Deeds 66. Issue of certificate may bo withheld for Registration Act not necessary where land fourteen days in certain eases, brought under Act. 67. Certificate not to be void though issued in name of person deceased. Registration. 68. Certificate to be evidence of proprietorship. 33. Registrar to keep Register. 69. Instruments executed by person not actually 34 When grants, certificates of title, and instru- registered. ments deemed registered. Definition of 70. No unauthorized right to public road or registered proprietor. reserve acquired by registration. 35. Instruments to be in duplicate. Instru- 71. Certificate not to be impeached, ments entitled to priority according to 72. Certificate void in certain cases, date of registration. 73. Errors in Register may be corrected.