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Mauke Island Local Ordinance (No. 2.) An Ordinance to restrict the Sale of Green Coconuts. Whereas it has been found necessary to take measures to prevent the use of immature coconuts for the making of copra : Be it therefore enacted by the Island Council of Mauke as follows: — 1. Tho Short Title of this Ordinance shall be the Sale of Immature Coconuts Ordinance, 1914. 2. From and after the passing of this Ordinance it shall not be lawful to pick any immature coconut for the purpose of making copra therefrom, and any person, Native or European, who shall be found guilty of so doing shall be liable to the punishment hereinafter provided3. Any person who shall sell or attempt to sell any copra made from immature coconuts shall be liable to the punishment hereinafter provided. 4. Any person who shall buy copra made from green or immature coconuts shall be liable to the punishment hereinafter provided5. Any person offending against this Ordinance shall be liable to a fine not exceeding five pounds, and in default of payment thereof to imprisonment for any term not exceeding one month. Passed by the said Council this sixteenth day of April, nineteen hundred and fourteen. W. Saunderkon Cooper, President. Approved. H. W. NORTHCROFT, Resident Commissioner. Assented to in the name and on behalf of His Majesty. 17th August, 1914. Liverpool. Governor. Mauke Island Local Ordinance (No. 3.) An Ordinance to encourage the Planting and Cultivation of their Ijands by the Natives. Whereas it has been found desirable in the best interests of the Island to take measures to encourage the Maoris in the cultivation of their lands : Be it enacted by the Island Council of Mauke as follows : — 1. The, Short Title of this Ordinance shall be the Planting and Cultivation of Lands Ordinance, 1914. 2. After the passing of this Ordinance all men shall be required to plant and cultivate their lands, and to keep the same clean and free from weeds. 3. It is hereby enacted that every able-bodied man of the age of sixteen years shall be required to plant each month not less than ten coconut-trees, ten banana-plants, and ten orange-trees, and such amount of taro and kumaras as may be necessary for his sustenance. 4. All such trees shall be properly planted- —coconuts, in straight rows not less than twenty feet apart; bananas, in straight, rows not less than ten feet apart; oranges, in straight rows not less than fifteen feet apart. 5. Those men whose lands are already planted to the limits of their capacity shall be required to exercise due diligence in keeping such lands properly Weeded and clear of all kikau. 6. In order to ensure the provisions of this Ordinance being duly observed, the Island Council, or any persons who may be appointed on that behalf, shall have power to call upon any man who comes within the provisions of section three hereof to show the work done, by him in the then last preceding month. 7. Any person who shall fail to satisfy the said Council, or the person or persons appointed as in section six hereof, that he has fulfilled the obligations imposed on him by this Ordinance shall be guilty of an offence punishable by a fine not exceeding five pounds, and in default of payment to imprisonment for any term not exceeding one month. Passed by the said Council this sixteenth day of April, nineteen hundred and fourteen. "W. Saunderson Cooper, President. Approved. H. W. Northcroft, Resident Commissioner. Assented to in the name and on behalf of His Majesty. 17th August, 1914. Liverpool, Governor. Mangaia Island Ordinance (No. 4.) An Ordinance to license and control all Moving-picture Shows, Merry-go-rounds, Motor-cars, and Exhibitions and Entertainments of whatsoever Kind, for which a Charge is made to the Public. Be it enacted by the Mangaia Island Council: — 1. The Short Title of this Ordinance is the Moving-picture and other Shows Ordinance, 1914. 2. From and after the passing of this Ordinance it shall not be lawful for any person to give at Mangaia Island any moving-picture show, theatrical performance, exhibition, or entertainment of any kind whatsoever, mechanical or otherwise, for which a charge is made for admission, or to run any motor-car, merry-go-round, billiard-table, or other machine or instrument of whatever nature or kind, for which money is to be paid by the public, unless a license, to do so shall first have been obtained from the Mangaia Island Council.