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TABLE No. 2. GENERAL SUMMARY. Showing Net Yearly Expenditure out of Public Works Fund, 1893-94 to 1914-15.

N.B. —The figures in italics, prefixed by " Cr.," are either reo The totals from 1892-93 to 1896~-97, inclusive, include •veries on aci expenditure :ount of services of previous years or receipts-in-aid applied in reduction of expenditure. under Native Lands Purchase Account; and from 1894-95 to 1896-97, inclusive, expenditure under Lands Improvement Account. Total Net Expenditure. Description of Services. to 31st March, 1693. 1895-96. I I 1896-97. l>97-98. 1898-89. 1899-1900. 19C0-1. 1901-2 1902-3. 1893-94. 1894-95. 1903-4. i £ 2,146,210 £ 343 £ 101 £ Cr. 10 £ 301 £ 70 £ 105 £ 385 £ 214 £ 139 £ 142 £ Cr. 7 Immigration ... .. .. .. .. 2,146,210 343 101 Cr. 10 301 Public Works (Departmental) .. .. .. .. 367.755 8.406 j 8,680 14.300; 367.755 8.406 ! 8.680 14.300 14.892 14,892 9,689 10,090 12,572 12,932 1 17,771 13,949 16,088 Development of Water-power Irrigation and Water-supply Railways .. .. .. .. .. .. 14,478,723 176,304 247,545 197.105 14,478,723 176,304 247,545 197.105 207,231 Cr. 334 207,231 Or. ZXd 351,600 374,192 : 417,937 717,723 1,333,940 759,752 828,704 Payment to Midland Railway Bondholders Vr. 3iS4 I .. 150,000 Roads :— Miscellaneous Roads and Bridges .. .. .. 3,535,567 127,281 50.544 45,261 Or. 1,030 Cr. 7,050 Cr. 573 Roads on Goldfields.. .. .. .. .. 203,249 20,387: 17,577 21,513 Development of Thermal Springs and Natural Scenery Lands Improvement Account .. .. .. .. .. 89,207 ; 108,168 15,691 Cr.365 32,578 16.023 103.555 241,209 Or. 365 49.569 248,934 Cr. 365 46,550 237,351 Cr. 347 48,039 267,374 48,417 354,687 230,349 47,573 51,690 316,248 45,594 Total, Roads .. .. .. .. 3,738,816 146,638 150,278 174,369 Development of Goldfields .. ..' .. .. 567,169 5.272 5,865; 9,345 167,482 10,508 167,482 290,413 295,119 285,043 j 315,791 402,260 282,039 361, 842 5,865 ; 9,345 10,508 33,117 17,355 21,815 15,907 15,326 ; 24,213 16,278 \ ; : Purchase of Native Lands .. .. .. .. 1,295.625 4,320! 349 Or. 2,428 \ Cr. 12 Native Lands Purchase Account .. .. .. 19,575 78,985 j 101,009; 163,411 Cr. 37 129,000 Cr. 37 61,503 53.182 Cr. 225 32,025 28,688 18,261 I 15,782 5,352 129,000 ■■ Total, Land Purchases .. .. .. 1,315,200 80,877 101,346 163,411 128,963 128,963 61,503 52,957 32,025 28,688 18,261 15,782 5,352 — Telegraph Extension .. .. .. .. .. 663,666 16,127 19,229 1 35,538 19,229 35,538 36,791 36,791 29,384 28,551 26,771 50,101 31,729 68,578 47,228 | Continued on page 4.