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down to the humblest toiler all seemed to work as one man; the agitator and labour difficulties are alike unknown, the apparent goal of every group of workers being to carry out the various works well and at the lowest monetary cost. The area affected by the scheme amounts, in round figures, to 87,000 acres, and a low estimate of the rise in value of the land over and above the cost of drainage is at, least £1 ,000,000. The accompanying statement of accounts shows the expenditure for the year. I have, &c, James Mackenzie, Under-Secretary. The Right Hon. W. F. Massey, P. 0., Minister of Lands, Wellington.

Statement of Accounts (as required by Section 10 of the Rangitaiki Land Drainage Act, 1910) for the Year ended 31st March, 1.915. Receipts. Expenditure. 1914—April Ist. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1915—March 31st. £ s. d. To Balance —Cash in Public ! By Expenditure— Account .. .. .. 1,835 13 10 New works by contract and day-labour 11,871 7 4 1915 —March 31st. - Purchase, equipment, and maintenance Debentures raised under of dredges .. .. .. 3,410 13 7 the Rangitaiki Land Travelling allowances and expenses, Drainage Amendment, camp allowance, and general admiActs, 1913, and 1914 12,000 (I 0 nistration expenses .. .. 284 0 7 Amendment Act, 1913.. 5,000 0 0 Interest paid into Consolidated Fund 17,000 0 0 on account of debentures .. 417 10 8 "Thirds," &c, received New Zealand Loans Act, 1908, charges under section 9of the and expenses .. .. .. 0 10 0 Rangitaiki Land Drain- Balance—Cash in'Piiblic Account .. 3,030 18 4 age Act, 1910 .. .. 79 14 8 State Advances Amendment Act, 1914, section 3 .. .. .. 105 12 6 £19,021 1 0 £19,021 1 0 Loan Account. 1915—March 31st. £ s. d. 1915—March 31st. £ s, d. £ s. d. To Balance .. .. .. .. 62,000 0 0 By_Loan transferred from State Advances Department to Treasury under section 2, State Advances Amendment Act, 1914 .. .. .. 45,000 0 0 Dobenturos raised under Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Act, 1913 .. .. 5,000 0 0 Ditto, 1913 and 191.4 .. 12,000 0 0 17,000 0 0 £62,000 0 0 £62,000 0 0 [Note. —The figures represent the actual amounts charged up in the Treasury books, including commitments brought down from the previous year, but do not include all commitments entered into at 31st March, 1915, as several of these had not been brought to charge at that date.]

REPORT BY CHIEF DRAINAGE ENGINEER. Sir,— I have the honour, in accordance with the provisions of the Rangitaiki Land Drainage Act, 1910, to report on the various services performed during the past financial year. The completion of this year's work marks the turning-point in these drainage operations— no succeeding year will see a greater reclamation than has been brought about during this one under review. New works have been actively pushed on, and existing ones improved and maintained, much to the advantage of the area. At a moderate estimate, 75 per cent, of the total area is now permanently free from flood-waters and workable at all seasons, though in places drains will still require deepening before it can be said to be permanently drained, and the balance is sufficiently unwatered to warrant subdivisional drainage, clearing, fencing, &c, beingundertaken by the various owners.