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(3.) The provisions of this article shall apply to every imported dog which is not accompanied by a license issued by the Board authorising the landing of such dog in Great Britain. Extension of certain Sections of Diseases of Animals Act, 189J/.. 11. Dogs shall be animals and rabies shall be a disease for the purposes of the following sections of the Act of 1894, namely: Section 43 (Police); section. 44 (General administrative provisions); section 56 (Proceedings under Customs Acts for unlawful landing or shipping); and also for the purposes of all other sections of the said Act containing provisions relative to or consequent on the provisions of those sections and this order, including such sections as relate to offences and legal proceedings. Local Authority to enforce Order. 12. The provisions of this order, except where it is otherwise provided, shall be executed and enforced by the local authority. Offences. 13. (1.) If a dog is landed or transhipped in contravention of this order the owner and the charterer and the master of the vessel from, which it is landed or transhipped, and the owner of the dog, and the person for the time being in charge thereof, and the person causing, directing, or permitting the landing or transhipment, and the person landing or transhipping the same, and the consignee or other person receiving or keeping it knowing it to have been landed or transhipped in contravention as aforesaid shall, each according to and in respect of his own acts and defaults, be deemed guilty of an offence against the Act of 1894. (2.) If a dog is moved in contravention of this order or of the conditions or provisions of a license or notice thereunder, the owner of the dog, and the person for the time being in charge thereof, and the person causing, directing, or permitting the movement, and the person moving the dog, and the consignee or other person receiving or keeping it knowing it to have been moved in contravention as aforesaid, and the occupier of the place from which the dog is moved shall, each according to and in respect of. his own acts and defaults, be deemed guilty of an offence against the Act of 1894. (3.) If a dog is not kept isolated as required by this order or by the conditions or provisions of a license or notice thereunder, the owner of the dog, and the person for the time being in charge thereof, and the occupier of the place where such dog is detained, and the person failing, or neglecting to isolate the dog shall, each according to and in respect of his own acts, defaults, or omissions be deemed guiltjr of an offence against the Act of 1894. (4.) If a dog is not secured, muzzled, or confined as required by this order or by the conditions or provisions of a license or notice thereunder, the owner of the dog, and the person for the time being in charge thereof, and the master of any vessel on board which is or has been carried to Great Britain shall, each according to and in respect of his own acts and defaults, be deemed guilty of an offence against the Act of 1894. (5.) If a person with a view unlawfully to evade or defeat the operation of this order or of the conditions or provisions of a license or notice thereunder, allows a dog to stray he shall be deemed guilty of an offence against the Act of 1894. (6.) If the owner or person in charge of a. dog fails to give, produce, or do any notice, license, or thing by which this order or by the conditions or provisions of a license or notice thereunder he is required to give, produce, or do, he shall be deemed guilty of an offence against the Act of 1894. Revocation of Order; Existing License*. 14. (1.) The Importation of Dogs Order of 1901 is hereby revoked. (2.) A license granted or notice given under the order hereby revoked shall have effect as if it had'been granted or given under this order, and may be enforced accordingly; but any such license or notice shall, as from the commencement of this order, be read and have effect as if the period of detention referred to therein were four calendar months instead of six calendar months. Interpretation. 15. In this order, unless the context otherwise requires— " The Board " means the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries : " The Act of 1894 " means the Diseases of Animals Act, 1894 : " Master " includes a person having the charge or command of a vessel : Other terms have the same meaning as in the Act of 1894. Commencement. 16. This order shall come into operation on the first day of November, nineteen hundred and fourteen. Short Title. 17. This order may be cited as the Importation of Dogs Order of 1914. In witness whereof the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries have hereunto set their official seal, this twenty-third day of October, nineteen hundred and fourteen. Sydney Olivier, Secretary.