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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services


•am. 191 .4-15. BEGISTEAE-GENEEAL'S OFFICE —continued. 6 7 8 9 VOTE No. 46 -continued. Other Chabgbs foe and incidental to— continued. Office equipment and telephones Payment to Post-office for services of Postmasters as Registrars of Births, &c. ... Postage, telegrams, and rent of boxes ... Printing and stationery (including Year-book and Statistics) -Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages Temporary assistance (extra clerks) Travelling allowances and expenses Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote £ 100 530 500 3,500 2,000 200 100 £ 10 I I 12 L3 15,710 50 Total—Vote No. 46 ... 8,700 ELECTORAL. 1914-15. Total number of officers 44 VOTE No. 47. Salabies— Clerical Division. Glass IV— 1 at £370 Class VII— ■ jg" 1 at £220 ... .. m 2 at £200 ... 400 370 620 2,080 For payments of Eegistrars ... 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 W 11 12 13 14: 15 16 17 18 Otheh Chakgmb fok and incidental to • Advertising Cartage, railage, and wharfage Cost of taking licensing poll in Maori electorate ... Expenses of by-elections Expenses of general election Firing and lightingLegal expenses Licensing poll, under Licensing Act, 1908 ... Licensing Committee election Office requisites Postage, telegrams, and rent of boxes ... Preparation and printing of rolls Printing and stationery Kent of offices Telephones " Travelling-expenses Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote 3,070 10 25 200 100 24,000 10 20 12,000 500 30 2,000 20,000 3,000 13 50 50 10 65,088 ! Total—Vote No. 47 ... 62,018 HIGH COMMISSIONEE'S OFFICE. VOTE No. 48. TOtal nUmb6r ° f 0ffi0erS • • '^ Salabies— Secretary Trade and Immigration Eepresentative Accountant 750 700 500 — ** i J. VVAJJ-J. \J