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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.


Item. 19 1914-15. DEPARTMENT OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS— continued. ~ HEAD OFFICE— continued. VOTE No. 42— continued. Othbb Chakges foe and incidental to — Department of Internal Affairs — 2 I Advertising 3 ! Assessment Courts under the Rating Act, 1908 4 Audit fees for inspection of accounts 5 : Cleaning offices .... ... ... 6 ! Commissions of Inquiry 7 j Contribution towards payment of minimum and additional retiring-allowance to messengers 8 ' Cost of entertaining visitors to the Dominion and of official functions 9 Cost of fencing Kaiapohia Monument at Waikuku ... | 10 Cost of work to be done by Surveyor-General's Department 11 Cost of forwarding stores to Macquarie Island for the Mawson Antarctic Expedition 12 Cost of renovating Captain Hobson's grave 13 Early History of New Zealand (Hocken) 14 Extra clerical assistance 15 Extra messengers 16 Fire Brigades Annual Conference ( aid) ... 17 Fire brigades attending Annual Conference, railway passes for 18 Freight and cartage 19 Fresh-water fisheries, expenses in connection with, including wages of workmen and cost of equipment taken over from Tourist Department ... ... 20 Fuel for Government offices ... ... ... 21 General contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote 22 Grant to New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts, Wellington 23 Grant to Auckland Acclimatization Society (Okoroire Game Farm) ... ... .... 24 Grant to Taranaki Acclimatization Society 25 Grant towards cost of erecting memorial to veterans and pioneers in Waikaraka Cemetery... — Hector Observatory— 26 J Cost of clearing ground and planting trees 27 General expenses (including temporary assistance) 28 Instruments and equipment 29 Imperial Institute 30 Legal expenses ... ... ... 31 Light and water for various Government buildings ... 32 Office equipment (including telephones)... . . 33 Payment to Hospital Boards and other expenses incidental to issue of licenses under Land Agents Act, 1912 34 Payment to New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts, Wellington, for part services of custodian National Gallery 35 Postage, telegrams, and rent of boxes 36 J Printing and stationery 37 Protection of Tuatara lizards: Special payments to lighthouse-keepers and others ... ... J 38 Publications (including newspapers) ... ... I 39 Renovation of graves of soldiers who were killed or died during the Maori War and expenses in con- j nection therewith 40 Special allowance to messengers, Wellington 41 Special allowance to shorthand-writers and typistes employed in Ministers'offices £ 500 5 50 2,000 950 852 600 100 25 800 50 135 700 900 400 300 250 1,500 500 100 600 200 76 100 200 145 400 100 50 1,200 500 5,000 HO 500 500 50 700 250 350 158 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 * 35 36 37 38 39 40 41