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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.



1914-15. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES— continued. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 'JO 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 5 6 7 8 9 10 VOTE No. 40— continued. Ghaegbs for and incidental to — continued. £ £ Assistance towards races, drainage, and waterworks on goldfields ... ... ... 200 Audit fees for inspection of accounts ..: ... 50 Bonus for mineral oil ... ... ... 500 Compensation and expenses arising out of proclamation of rivers and resumption of land ... ... 60 Compassionate allowance to widow of late W. C. Gasquoine, General Manager, State Coal-mines ... I 500 Compassionate allowance to Mrs. Martha Foley for damage done to her property by a deviation of the Kumara to Lake Brunner Road ... ... 150 Cost of Collecting Goldfields Eevenue ... ... 100 Diamond and other drills and appliances (working expenses only) ... ... ... 500 Expenses of Boards of Examiners, Mining and Coalmines Acts ... ... ... i 400 Expenses, Huntly Accident Commission . ... 200 Expenses of Mining Court, Auckland Exhibition ... I 500 Expenses, Panama Exhibition ... ... 100 Expert and temporary assistance, wages... ... 100 Extinguishing burning coal-seams ... ... 20 Field surveys and expenses ... ... ... 20 Fuel, light, water, freight, and cartage .,. ... 50 Grant towards expenses of officers attending Annual Meeting of Mining Engineers .. ... 50 Grant to relieve distress arising from disaster at Ralph's Colliery, Huntly (on account) ... 200 Grants to libraries in mining townships... ... 75 Huntly School of Mines, contribution to building for 300 Instruments and apparatus ... ... ... 100 Legal expenses ... ... ... 100 Mail-service, Cromarty (half cost) ... ... 50 Maintenance and Management of Water-races— Waimea-Kumara ... ... ... 1,500 Mount Ida ... - .... ... 1,200 Waimea: Reconstructing flumes and syphons ... 200 Office rents, equipment, and cleaning ... ... 200 Overseas coal, purchase of and expenses incidental to 1,000 Payments and expenses under Workers' Compensation Acts ... ... ... 50 Postage, telegrams, and rent of boxes ... ... 300 Printing and stationery .... ... ... 500 Printing report of Royal Commission an Huntly Mine accident ... ... ... 200 Protective works, Waimea Creek ...: ... 50 Purchase of motor-car accessories ... ... 50 Purging mining-registers of obsolete titles .-.. 50 Queen of Beauty pumping-plant maintenance ... 50 Refunds of rent, Section 154, Mining Act, 1908 ... 50 Reports on accidents ... ... ... 20 Schools of Mines ... ... ... 3,000 Stone-quarries Act: Administration expenses ... 50 Surveys of mining township sites ... ... 60 Telephone subscriptions and expenses ... ... 50 Travelling allowances and expenses ... ... 1,400 Work and material supplied by other Departments ... 100 Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote ... 50 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 38 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Total,—Vote No. 40 ... ... 21,. 21,55i 5. TOTAL OF CLASS VIII £36, :68