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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.


[tern. PRISONS— continued. 1914-15. VOTE No. 33— continued. Salaries— continued. Non-classified Officers — continued. Medical Officers — £ 2 at £200 ... ... 400 1 at £100 ... ... 100 3 at £75 ... ... 225 lat£65 ... ... 65 lat£50 ... ... 50 840 1,096 Othkr Charges fob and incidental to — Advertising, purchase of books and other publications, and office requisites Allowances to Instructing Officers Assistance to discharged prisoners Clothing, bedding, furniture, &c. Expenses connected with the administration of the Crimes Amendment Act, 1910 Expenses connected with the tree-planting and other prison camps, including new huts and alterations thereto Expenses connected with Waikeria Eeformatory Farm Forage, seeds, and plants Freight, cartage, and wharfage Fuel, light, and water Gratuities and payments to prisoners on discharge ... Lodging-allowances Materials and expenses in connection with brickmaking Medicines and medical comforts Postage, telegrams, and rent of boxes ... Printing and stationery Purchase of stone-crusher, Mount Eden Prison Rations Sanitary services, cleaning, and disinfectants Telephone subscriptions and expenses ... Temporary warders Tools and materials for prison labour, &c. Travelling allowances and expenses, and conveyance of prisoners Uniforms and accoutrements for prison officers Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote 28,388 2 120 150 25 2,000 3 4 5 6 7 400 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 L9 20 21 22 23 24 2,250 1,500 150 250 2,500 1,250 1,400 1,000 600 200 300 500 8,250 350 100 350 1,000 25 26 2,650 250 200 27,745 Less estimated credits under section 48 of the Public Bevenues Act, 1910 6,500 l Total—Vote No. 33 21,245 49,633 POLICE DEPAETMENT. 1914-15. Total number of officers .. 980 J VOTE No. 34. Salaries— Head Office — Commissioner 700 Clerical Division. Glass F— 1 at £290 290