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BRIGHT'S DISEASE. In four years, 1909 to 1912, the number of deaths from this cause has remained practically stationary, between 190 and 195. The year 1913 shows an increase, 230 deaths being recorded. URAEMIA. Seventy-one deaths from this cause were registered in 1913, as against 40 in 1912 and 32 in 1911. CYSTITIS. The numjjer of deaths registered in 1913 (31) was 9 less than in 1912, but 19 less than in 1911. PUERPERAL DISEASES AND ACCIDENTS. In 1913, as in 1912, the deaths certified to these causes numbered 100. Included in the number in 1913 were: Accidents of pregnancy, 25; puerperal septicaemia, 29; puerperal albuminaria and convulsions, Hi ; puerperal haemorrhage, 14; other accidents of childbirth, 17. The number of deaths to every 1,000 confinements for each of ten years is shown. Deaths of Mothers Deaths of Mothers Year. to every 1,000 Year. to every 1,000 Confinements. Confinements. 1904 ... ... 4-66 1909 ... ... 514 1905 ... ... 4-22 1910 4-55 1906 ... 3-91 1911 ... ... 4-38 1907 ... ... 4-62 1912 ... ... 3-73 1908 ... ... 4-64 1913 ... • .. 362 CONGENITAL DEBILITY. The number and rate in 1913 was higher than in the four preceding years, the number being 301, as against 256 in 1912 and 268 in 1911. PREMATURE BIRTH. The number of deaths from this cause in 1912 and 1913 was considerably higher than in 1911 The rate per 1,000 births registered in 1913 was 14-96. SENILITY. No fewer than 809 deaths were attributed to this cause in 1913. The number for 1912 was 706. and for I*o9, 556. VIOLENCE. The deaths from external violence, apart from suicide, numbered 639 in 1913- -males 520, females 119. The rate per 10,000 living was 6-79 in 1909, 5-71 in 1910, 5-81 in 1911, 4-95 in 1912, and 5-98 in 1913. The various forms of violent deaths, excluding suicides, in 1913 are shown in the following table :—

Accidental Deaths, 1911.

SUICIDE. The suicidal deaths in 1913 were 148 —males 116, and females 32. The rate per 10,000 living was 1-38 in 1913, against an average of 1-20 for the past five years.

Cause of Death. Males. Females. Total. Poisoning Bums and scalds Suffocation, gas, &c. Drowning Shooting Falls In mines and quarries By machinery By vehicles, railways, &c. Injuries by animals Starvation Exposure Electrocution Homicide Fractures Other external violence 12 30 9 147 27 34 26 7 100 18 2 3 1 6 41 57 7 22 15 27 4 5 16 i 1 2 8 11 19 52 24 174 31 39 26 7 116 18 3 4 1 8 49 68 Total deaths 520 520 119 639