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Statistical Report of St. Helens Hospital from 1st April, 1913 to 31st March, 1914, by the Physicians and Lecturers at St. Helens Hospitals.



No. Remarks. ! No. J Remarks. Total deliveries , Out ft. .. * Twins Presentations— L.O.A. R.O.A R.O.P L.O.I*. Breech .. Footling Transverse Face .. .. ; Brow CompoundHead and hand .. I nknown, outdoor Prolapse of cord.. Hydramnios .. : J°j|( Total, 1,298. gjjj Total, 1,311. 10 And 1 set triplets. 732 248 152 69 35 2 1 4 I 3 66 2 21 I Haemorrhage— Accidental Unavoidable Post partum Secondary Operation Induction Version Forceps Manual removal of placenta 4 6 24 2 6 2 93 2!) 2 marginal placenta prsevia ; 2 central adherent placenta ; albuminuria placenta prsevia ; Graves' disease; heart- disease ; phthisis; traumatic. An eighth month for contracted pelvis, at full time, ditto ; 2 for death of foetus for contracted pelvis; placenta praevia. k

Lacerated Perinseum. Primip. Miiltip. lustrum. First degree Second degree .. Third degree .. Other lacerations 62 82 1 12 55 1 27 7

Alb. pres. Alb. abs. No. on Dis- on Discharge, charge. Accompanying Complications. Albuminuria before labour.. I Kt 24 84 Causes —phthisis, acute gonorrhoea, chronic nephritis, ascites, chronic cardiac trouble, post-partum haemorrhage, placenta prrevia. With toxic symptoms ..12 I 5 The few cases of toxic symptoms are largely due to systematic examination of urine and treatment if necessary. One case, which showed acute toxaemia of pregnancy, was treated on and off for three months before confinement, which was normal, and recovery without complication. Another case had marked oedema and eyesight affected, but after one fit made good recovery. Sclampsia .. .. 2 1 emergency case admitted after labour ; 1 had four fits, and went home on fourteenth day ; urine free from albumen.

Central. Marg. with Hsem. Without Hsem. Placenta prsevia.. 2 4 No cases in Auckland ; 2 of the maternal deaths were due to [ilaoonta prsevia.