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General Hospitals. —-The expenditure on maintenance on general hospitals was £232,024, and this is equivalent to £105-1 per annum per occupied bed, against £100-3 for 1912-13. The average annual cost of maintenance per occupied bed for the last four years is set out below :—

Charitable-aid Expenditure. As compared with last year there is an increase of £5,581 in charitable-aid expenditure, the figures for the last four years being as follows: —

A Comparison of Hospital and Charitable-aid Expenditure for the past Ten Years.

In the above the figures for the last four years include infectious-diseases hospitals and consumptive sanatoria under Boards' control, also public health, subsidies to medical associations, and district nurses. In every year-Separate institutions have been included. The number of persons availing themselves of treatment in the general hospitals for the last ten years was as follows: —

Year. Provisions. Surgery and Dispensary. Domestic and Establishment. Salaries and Wages. Total Maintenance. 1910-11 1911-12 1912-13 1913-14 £ 22-8 24-2 23-8 24-9 £ 8-7 10-3 9-9 9-8 £ 26-7 29-5 26-3 27-4 £ 38-8 42-3 40-2 43-0 £ 97-0 106-3 100-3 1051

Year. • Indoor Relief. Outdoor Relief. Total. 1910-11 1911-12 1912-13 1913-14 £ 62,848 64,651 66,378 68,510 £ 33,051 34,171 31,092 34,541 £ 95,899 98,822 97,470 103,051

Year. 1904-5 1905-6 1906-7 1907-8 1908-9 1909-10 1910-11 .. 1911-12 1912-13 .. 1913-14 Hospital and Charitable-aid Expenditure. ♦ £ 259,616 270,710 288,808 315,197 359,941 375,075 .. - 416,384 482,645 500,443 579,695 Mean Population. 851,964 877,469 901,920 925,727 945,063 977,906 997,974 1,019,984 1,046,624 1,075,787 Cost per Head of Population. s. d. 6 1 6 2 6 4J 6 10 7 7£ 7 8 8 4| 9 5| 9 6} 10 9£

Year. Total Number of Persons under Treatment. Population. Proportion under Treatment per 1,000 of Population. Average Number of Occupied Beds per Diem. Proportion per 1,000 of Population. 904-5 . . 905-6 .. 906-7 .. 907-8 .. 908-9 .. 909-10 .. 910-11 .. 911-12 .. 912-13 .. 913-14 .. 15,278 16,216 17,521 19,160 18,653 21,108 23,584 24,681 26,979 28,885 851,964 877,469 901,920 925,727 945,063 977,906 997,974 1,019,984 1,046,624 1,075,787 17-9 18-5 19-4 20-7 20-8 21-6 23-6 241 25-8 26-8 1,290 1,354 1,505 1,511 1,566 1,709 1,839 1,900 2,131 2,234 1-51 1-54 1-67 1-66 1-66 1-75 1-81 1-83 2-04 208