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The King George V Coronation Memorial Hospital for Consumptives, forming an important addition to the Sanatorium of the North Canterbury Hospital Hoard, was opened by the Minister of the Department in June last. The campaign has been rigorously carried on in the Canterbury District- under the able direction of Dr. Blackmore, assisted by Miss Rochfort, late Matron of the Te Waikato Sanatorium, who lias been entrusted with much of the work of the Christchurch Tuberculosis Dispensary. A report by the Medical Superintendent of Te Waikato Sanatorium (Dr. Alfred Bernstein) will be found on page 13. Sale of Food and Druos Act. A very considerable amount of work has been involved in the administration of the regulations under the above Act, gazetted in 1912. On the whole it may be said that manufacturers and sellers have shown readiness to conform thereto. It is, as yet, too early to say what amendments may he required to render these regulations still more effective. So far, however, there has been little or no adverse criticism. In the matter of the adulteration of milk by the addition of water, prosecutions have been frequent ; nevertheless the continuation of interference with this most important of foodstuffs appears to demand still more stringent measures. It is hoped that the more recent infliction of severe penalties for such adulterations will have a salutary effect. Hospitals and Charitable Aid. Receipts. The total amount received by Boards, separate institutions, and Government institutions foi the past year on account, of hospitals, charitable aid, and public health was £660,4(11. an increase of £76,791 over the previous year, the receipts for the past four years being— £ 1910-11 .. .. .. .. .. .. 494,985 1911-12 .. .. .. .. .. .. 556,108 1912-13 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 583,673 1913-14 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 660,464 The receipts from the principal sources of revenue were as follows :— Government contributions— 1910-11 .. .. .. .. .. .. 167,941 1911-12 .. .. .. .. .. .. ... 189,011 1912-13 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 200,256 1913-14 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 219,520 Levies on local authorities— 1910-11 .. .. .. .. .. .. 131,524 1911-12 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 149,203 1912-13 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 166,281 1913-14 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 175,120 Voluntary contributions— 1910-11 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 35,433 1911-12 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 31,656 1912-13 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 25,930 1913-14 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 49,856 Payments by persons relieved— 1910-11 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 61,983 1911-12.. , .. .. .. .. .. .. 64,138 1912-13 .... .. .. .. .. 77.369 1913-14 .. .. .. .. .. .. 84.026 Voluntary contributions, though fluctuating considerably, show, in relation to the total expenditure, a downward tendency. Last year, however, the amount was swelled substantially by the uift of £15,000 from Mr. Cawthron, of Nelson. Payments by persons relieved last year exhibit an increase of £6,657 over those for the previous year, payments by hospital patients almost wholly accounting for the increase.

Year. Payments by Hospital j Payments by Inmates of Patients. Charitable Institutions. Total.* I 910-11 911-12 912-13 913-14 £ 42,714 47,338 56,255 62.680 £ 14,028 16,698 20,888 20.987 £ 56,742 64.138 77,369 84.026 *Ii icludes also district nursinf ; fees.