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PUBLIC SERVICE SUPERANNUATION FUND. List of Retiring and other Allowances current on 31st December, 1913. Under Section 35 (Age or Length of Service).

Registered No. gisterei No. !d Name. Name. Annual Amount. 4 389 626 85 122 64 531 247 379 193 238 390 123 222 647 463 125 224 254 208 6 367 497 40 7 66 273 194 558 48 200 521 471 126 661 496 127 128 539 239 259 610 129 9 191 697 635 627 ]31 564 382 10 244 651 270 133 134 391 11 135 424 522 Achison. William ... Aickeu, William .... Airey, Jane Alfrey, Alfred Allingham, R. Anderson, J. J. Anderson, L. E. Anderson, R. C. Andrews, J. Annand, W. Arden, F. G. Armit, J. ... Armstrong, A. Atkinson, J. Baker, Frederick ... Bamford. Edwin Barclay, W. M. de R. Bair, James Barron, A. Barron, D. Barron, J. Barrowman, ¥. Bates, H. D. Beasley, Kate Beere,"G. A. Bell, James Bell, John Bellett, Thomas D. Bellinghain, William Bentley, W. H. ... Benzoni, C. T. Beswick, CM. Biddle, Hannah Biggs, M. D. Birch, George A. ... Bird, John .... Black, James G. Black, John Black, Patrick Blackinore, John C. Blake, Francis Blake, John Blake, William J. ... Bloxam, A'. R. Blundell. Henry Bonner, Thos. Win. Bowley, Edward John Brarne, John W. Bratby, John H. Bray, George E. Brennan, John M. ... Brock, Sarah Bronberger, O. K. ... Brown, Wm. Buckeridge, Thomas Bullen, Francis T. ... Burke, Julia Burns, Ellen G. ... Burrows, P. F. M.... Bybles, A. E. R. ... Calder,William B. ... Cameron, Archibald & s. d. 125 5 6 57 10 0 39 11 0 17 13 10 20 8 8 74 10 8 23 7 0 58 6 0 30 9 0 34 16 9 17 6 0 71 19 0 145 16 0 40 18 9 217 4 0 403 3 0 82 8 0 31 12 0 533 6 8 350 0 0 96 5 0 42 12 0 163 7 0 12 9 9 48 6 5 46 7 2 120 9 0 45 4 9 84 8 0 41 2 10 87 7 1 52 16 0 18 5 0 10 11 2 29 9 0 87 10 0 26 3 11 199 5 3 205 1 0 69 14 0 58 13 0 51 4 0 32 10 2 207 16 8 247 1 11 63 7 0 SO 15 0 185 11 0 212 16 9 100 16 0 93 8 0 66 9 2 17 17 0 36 11 0 9 10 0 106 13 4 28 19 10 20 1 0 47 13 4 84 14 3 26 16 0 31 12 0 Carried forward ... I 5,673 2 7

Registered No. Name. . Annuel . Amount. 649 13 465 487 589 550 232 438 501 598 540 507 136 49 603 593 569 280 281 337 70 638 488 207 523 568 636 260 489 283 478 394 633 256 371 448 595 654 373 268 395 587 594 645 365 83 100 138 620 479 16 67 502 139 140 622 621 630 286 204 646 £ s. d. Brought forward... J 5,673 2 7 Cameron, John ... | 98 6 0 Campbell, Duncan ... 77 13 8 Carkeek, M.J. C. ... 81 17 0 Carlyon, Percy F 99 19 0 Carman, Philip James 120 14 0 Carpenter, Robert ... 86 10 0 Carr, Henry Hyde... 88 3 6 Carrick, Frederick H. 67 11 0 Carroll, Laurence ... 110 10 0 Chandler, Win. ... 106 8 0 Chaney, Walter J. ... j 295 2 0 Charlton, James M. 62 3 0 Chilton, Thomas ... | 111 3 9 Christie, Walter ... 126 13 4 Clapham, George J. 322 4 0 Clark, Henry ... 72 13 0 Clark, James ... 84 3 0 Clarke, Andrew ... 120 9 0 Clarke, Henry ... 82 2 6 Cleary, Mathew M. 266 13 4 Olough, Thomas E. 142 9 3 Collerton, Win. Thos. 104 9 0 Cook, George L. ... 325 0 0 Corbett, Lorimer ... 79 12 0 Covil, Robert ... 77 6 0 Craig, Andrew ... 171 19 0 Craig, John Tait ... 118 12 0 Craig, William L. ... 59 13 3 Crowther, Herbert J. 207 19 0 I Crozier, Alexander... 104 0 6 i Cullen, Francis ... 124 8 0 1 Cumine, John ... 30 8 0 Cummins, Thos. Dick ; 18 17 0 Cunningham, C. A. 102 11 0 Curel, Edwin ... 58 8 0 Daly, James ... 58 5 0 Dansey, Roger D 212 16 0 Darby, Robert ... 155 7 0 Darby, William ... 64 19 0 Davis, John W. ... i 165 14 0 Davy, Charles ... 68 7 0 Dawson, Henry W.... 204 2 0 Day, George P 172 16 0 Dean. John 11. ... 200 0 0 Dee, Daniel ... 42 14 0 Dick, John ... 20 18 0 Dickson, James ... 125 6 8 J Dodd, Montague M. 30 2 5 Doncaster, John ... 97 4 0 Donovan, Michael ... 129 12 0 Douglas, Charles E. 85 0 0 Douglas, Thomas ... 92 11 2 Drake, Walter C. ... ; 210 0 0 I)riscoll, John ... 18 0 0 Drummond, John ... 186 6 1 Duckworth, John ... ; 30 6 0 Duncan, George ... 159 19 0 Dwyer, Michael J.... 36 12 0 Eccleton, Joseph ... 78 0 4 , Erecson, John F. ... j 104 0 3 I Evans, Joseph ... 272 10 0 Carried forward ...12,901 1 7