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APPENDIX XI. Summary of Duties to be carried out in an Area. Area Command. (a.) Division of the area into sub-areas for instructional and administrative (record office) purposes. (6.) Command of the instructional staff serving in the area, (c.) Allocation of instructional staff to sub-areas. (d.) Examination and classification of recruits, (c.) Medical examination of recruits, Reservists, and General Training Section when called out for service. (/.) Command and training of Territorial recruits until they are passed fit to take their place in the ranks and are sent to join a unit. (g.) Command and training of Reservists, General Training Section, and Senior Cadets. (h.) In war, despatch of batches of Reservists required to reinforce units in the field, and informing units and record offices of same. (i.) Administration of the maintenance grant of Rifle Clubs and Cadet companies having no officers. (j.) Charge of rifle ranges and departmental buildings and their allocation for use. {k.) Custody, issue, and accounting for arms, equipment, and clothing required for Cadets, Reservists, or General Training Section. (I.) Charge of and accounting for ammunition issued to individuals under his command. Record Office Work. (a.) Registration, attestation, and postings of all persons liable for military service in the area. (b.) Maintenance of rolls of same by units. (c.) Arranging with police and the civil authorities for keeping touch with individuals liable for military service. (d.) Upkeep of record-books.* (c.) Carrying out transfers, discharges, &c. (/.) Sending notices to Territorial soldiers and all others required for training ; distribution of training posters. (g.) Arranging for the prosecution of defaulters. (h.) Calling out Territorial soldiers and men of the General Training Section on mobilization. (i.) Issue of a pay-book (on the lines of Army Book 64) to all soldiers going on service. (j.) Reporting to Area Commanders the names of Reservists called out. (k.) Supplying pay-offices with all necessary information regarding individual soldiers.

* The record-books of Cadets should, in the first instance, be filled in by the instructional staff in Bub-areaa The experiment might be made of letting certain non-commissioned officers in sub-areas retain the record-books of Cadets and perform all the duties of the record office as regards these Cadets.

Approximate Cost 0/ Taper. —Preparation, not given ; printing U,500 c »im(si, £23 10*.

Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9H.

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