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APPENDIX I. Military Forces of the Dominion of New Zealand: Distribution of Duties at Headquarters.


The General Officer Commanding is responsible for the organization, discipline, and efficiency of the Forces and for their inspection; advice on local military policy ; plans for local defence ; supervision of training ; education of officers and selection of officers for study at Imperial Staff Colleges ; appointments, promotions, resignations, and retirements of officers. The Chiej oj the General Staff The Adjutant-General and Director oj Staff Duties j s responsible for peace organiand Military Training zat i on . discipline ; martial, is responsible for Staff organi- I military, and international zation ; Staff tours ; record j law ; Courts-martial; admiof officers suitable for Staff j nistrative arrangements in employ ; instruction and ; connection with training and training for war ; educa- education ; ceremonial; pertion and examination of sonnel (excepting R.N.Z.A.) ; officers; training manuals ; editing and issuing orders arrangements for examina- (other than operation orders) : tion of cadidates for British Army List and Regulations ; Army and Royal Australian leave of absence (except exMilitary College; man- emption from training) ; reoeuvres; estimates for and gistration, enrolment and allocation of training and posting ; appointments to and manoeuvre grants; military distribution of Permanent libraries ; leave and exemp- Staff ; returns of strength and tions from training; in- prosecutions; casualties (extelligence ; plans for local cepting R.N.Z.A.) ; mobilidefence and strategical dis- zation and other regulations tribution of the Forces ; dealing with above services ; mapping and reconnais- mobilization of personnel; sance; war establishments medals; chaplains ; war and war organization ; claims and military pensions ; plans for mobilization. Honorary Territorials, National Reserve ; medical services. The Quartermaster-General is responsible for mobilization stores; clothing equipment and general stores (excepting for Artillery and Engineers); Dress Regulations, quartering, supp 1 i e_s, and transport; ins p e c t i o n and care of Maxim guns and small - arms; store buildings, drill-halls; mobilization arrangements in connection with above services ; administration of corps dealing with above services; veterinary services and remounts. The Director oj Ordna I is responsible for armaments and all accessories; coast defences ; Defence Department's vessels : reserve of arms and ammunition ; technical equipment and vehicles of Artillery and Engineers units; guns ; ordnance and field gun ammunition ; permanent fortifications and works : Artillery and rifle ranges ; control and distribution of Permanent Force ; inspection ofjArtillery and Engineer duties. The Director oj Accounts. is responsible for audit and examination of accounts ; consideration and compilation of parliamentary estimates; payments ; financial advice; contracts : control of accountants in districts; compiling and editing of " Financial Instructions and Allowance Regula tions," in consultation with Q.M.G. j_