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their names thus appearing on the roll of each. To this fact some of the large increase shown above is due. The following table shows the number of members of workers' unions, as shown in the returns, classilied into their respective groups of trades: —

Business dealt with by Conciliation Councils, Arbitration Court, etc. The business dealt with by the Councils of Conciliation, Court of Arbitration, &c., under the Act during the year ending 31st March, 1914, is summarized in the following table:— Industrial agreements ... ... ... ... ... ... 42 Recommendations of Councils of Conciliation (for particulars see reports of Conciliation Commissioners, page 11) ... ... .. 166 Awards of the Arbitration Court ... ... ... ... ... !).'! Applications for awards refused (see page 45) ... ... ,'| Enforcements of awards (conducted by Department) in Arbitration Court.. 8 Interpretation of awards ... ... ... .. ... ... 20 Other decisions (amending awards, adding parties, eve.) ... ... 18 Appeals from decisions of Stipendiary Magistrates in enforcement cases ... 5 Appeal from Registrar's decision to refuse registration of union ... 1 (The Arbitration Court also dealt with sixty-four cases under the Workers' Compensation Act (see page 22). Magistrates' Courts — Enforcements of awards. &C. (conducted by Department) ... ... +2") Enforcements of awards (conducted by unions) .. ... ... 4 Enforcements of sections 5 and (i. Amendment Act (re strikes and lockouts)'... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 Permits to undyr-rate workers granted by Inspectors of Factories and secretaries of unions ... ... ... ... ... ... LOS Work performed by Arbitration Court, Conciliation Boards, and Conciliation Councils (also Industrial Agreements made) during the Tears 1905-11,.

Work performed by Arbitration Court, Conciliation Boards, and Conciliation Councils (also Industrial Agreements made) during the Years 1906-14.

Trades. Trades. Numbers. 1912. 1913. Decrease. Increase. Agriculture Building and woodworking Clothing Iron and metal Shipwrighting Light, heat, and power producing Food Mining Printing Transport .. . . ... Leather, tanning, &c. Stone, clay, and allied trades Miscellaneous \musements * 4,680 5,207 10,893 11,268 4,119 4,524 3,192 2,542 170 176 120 308 7,525 8,076 2,822 3,788 1,568 1,681 13,260 21,766 . j 2,434 2,236 484 435 9,355 8,813 724 650 198 49 542 527 375 405 6 188 551 966 113 8,506 Totals 60,622 71,544 60,622 71,544 1,439 1,439 i 12,361 12,361 Total increase 10,922 * Performing musicians, stage employees, biograph operators. &o.

Sear. Industrial Agreemen 1 s. j Recommendations of Boards and Counoils. Award- of Court of Arbitration. 1905-6 1906-7 1907-8 1908-9 1909. 10 .. 1910 II .. 1911-12 .. 1912 13 ..' 1913-14 .. 6 4 10 12 14 17 26 31 12 7 12 15 9 102* 87 119 118 L66 52 59 98 88 88 71 80 94 93 Totals L£2 636 726 l<12 636 726 726 * Since the passing of the amending Act o Conciliation Board.-. most of fcheee recommend* if it >f 1908, providing for the constitution of Conciliation Councils in lieu of itions were, with slight alteration, made into awards, f I!) tioii 908 n- ■ s. providing f were, with si for iligl • the constitution of Conci ht alteration, made into av ili,ii wai iliiin Councils in lieu i rds,