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The following statement gives in detail the revenue at the different resorts during the past two years and the financial position of each place : — Receipts for Department of Tourist and Health Resorts, Financial Tears 1912"-13 and 1913-14. 1012-13. 1913-14. Te Aroha— £ £ Bath fees and towel-hire ... ... ... .. ... 1,055 936 Tennis-players, library, fees, &c. ... ... ... ... 245 202 Tea-house ... ... ... ... ... ... 159 121 Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... ... ... 69 80 1,528 1,339 Rotorua— Sanatorium fees ... ... ... ... ... ... 2,000 2,020 Out-patients' fees ... ... ... ... ... ... 474 407 Bath fees and towel-hire ... ... ... ... ... 2,733 2,414 Dry massage and electrical treatment... ... ... .. 705 632 Water-supply ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,431 1,540 Electric-light charges ... ... ... ... ... 2,827 3,237 Tennis-players, &c. ... ... ... ... ... 411 424 Round-trip: Launch fares, guiding fees, &c. ... ... ... 3,032 2,957 Pump-room ... ... ... ... ... ... 60 32 Tea-house ... ... ... ... ... ... 217 Sale of mineral waters ... ... ... ... ... 170 172 Launch licenses, wharfages, &c. ... ... ... ... 48 54 Sulphur royalties ... ... ... ... ... ... 215 177 Sale of tea-house furniture ... ... ... ... ... 126 Sales of old electrical plant ... ... ... ... .. ... 224 Rents ... ... ... ... ... ... . . 360 461 Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... ... ... 81 177 14,890 14,928 Acclimatization district receipts ... ... ... ... 1,086 1,261 15,976 16,189 Waitomo CavesAccommodation fees, guiding, &c. ... ... ... .. 2,871 3,775 Morere Hot Springs— Bath fees, &c. ... ... ... ... ... ... 13 8 Hanmer Springs— Sanatorium fees ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,248 1,218 Bath fees and towel-hire ... ... ... ... ... 527 449 Tennis-players, &c. ... ... ... ... ... 72 82 Tea-house" ... ... ... ... ... ... 171 156 Water-supply ... ... ... ... ... ... 93 85 Rents ... ... ... ... ... ...■ ... 82 71 Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... ... ... 106 27 2.299 2,088 Hermitage— Accommodation and guiding fees, &o. ... ... ... 2.67(i 2,853 Queenstown Park — Bowls, &C. .. ... ... ... ... ... 84 81 Lake Te Anau — Steamer fares, &c. ... ... ... ... .. ... 647 486 Glade House and Milford Track— Accommodation fees, guiding fees, &c. ... .. ... 925 721 Head OfficeSale of pamphlets, photos, <feo. ... ... ... ... 223 133 Advertising ... ... ... ... ... ... 249 185 Rents ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 344 219 Commission on passenger bookings ... ... ... ... 1,791 1.962 Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... ... 85 68 2,692 2,567 Grand totals ... ... ... ... £29,711 £30,107