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No. 61. The Secbetary, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Superintendent, Eastern Extension Company, Wakapuaka. (Telegram.) Wellington, 22nd May, 191.4. See message of yesterday signed " Manager, Eastern," announcing the Commonwealth's approval of arrangement for week-end cable service with India, Burma, and Ceylon. Whence is information derived that India includes Burma and Ceylon? Message from Director-General, Simla, of yesterday mentions only India. Glad of an early reply.

No. 62. The Superintendent, Eastern Extension Company, Wakapuaka, to the Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. (Telegram.) Wakapuaka, 22nd May, 1914. Webster's service, 29th ultimo, .stated India, Burma, Ceylon, desirous exchanging welts [weekend letter telegrams] with New Zealand, which Secretary agreed to on Ist instant, and asking when to commence. We replied, " Waiting Commonwealth reply before commencing." Manager's service to Secretary yesterday, Commonwealth agreed. Am communicating with Mr. Webster, who is in Nelson.

No. 63. The Manager in Australasia, Eastern Extension Company, Adelaide, to the Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. The Eastern Extension Australasia and China Telegraph Company (Limited), Sir,— Adelaide, 28th May, 1914. I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated the Bth May, 1914, ft week-end cable messages. As per my telegram of the 21st instant, the Commonwealth agreed to the introduction of the week-end arrangement with India, Burma, and Ceylon from the 21st instant. The Commonwealth has not yet agreed to exchange week-end messages with North and South Rhodesia, Nyassaland, and Germany. We will advise you as soon as we receive the Commonwealth's acceptance of the arrangement with these places. I have, &c, E. H. Derrick, The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. For Manager in Australasia.

ALL-BED ATLANTIC CABLE. No. 64. Newspaper Extract. Melbourne, 21st June, 1913. The Chambers of Commerce Conference at Melbourne requested the Commonwealth Government to negotiate with the British, Canadian, and New Zealand Governments to jointly acquire the control of an Atlantic cable to reduce the present excessive rate for commercial cable messages.

CONTEOL OF CABLE RATES. No. 65. The Hon. the Prime Minister to the High Commissioner. Sir,— General Post Office, Wellington, Ist October, 1913. - I have the honour to inform you that it has been reported to this Dominion by Press cable message that the Postmaster-General of the United Kingdom has stated that arrangements are being made to secure Government control of the cable rates through a landing license to be granted to the companies, and that Government will fix rates consonant with the companies' earnings. I should be glad if you would inquire as to the correctness of the report, and furnish any information which you can obtain. T have, &c, R. Heaton Rhodes, For the Prime Minister. The Hon. Thos. Mackenzie, F.R.G.S., High Commissioner for Ne-w Zealand, London. [P. & T. 11/49.]