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No. 49. The Superintendent, Pacific Cable Board, xVuckland, to the Secretary, (General Post Office, Wellington. (Telegram.) Auckland, 24th April, 1914. Uoard have agreed to week-end messages between Australasia and the United Kingdom being telegrams throughout, with reduced minimum to fifteen shillings for messages of twenty words. Extra-word rate ninepence. New Zealand proportion tenpence per message, with extra-word rate of halfpenny. Prefix to be TWT; all others cancelled. Acceptance subject same rules as deferred telegrams, with exception delivery made Tuesday mornings. To come in force May first. Board are in negotiation for introduction week-end messages with Germany and Canada. Will advise result later. [P. & T. 11/16.]

No. 50. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Manager in Australasia, Eastern Extension Company, Adelaide. (Telegram.) Wellington, 25th April, 1914. Dominion agrees exchange week-end letter telegrams with South Rhodesia ninepence per word, North Rhodesia and Nyassaland tenpence halfpenny per word, subject minimum twenty words. New Zealand to receive in each case halfpenny per word. Messages to be telegraphed throughout. Delivery to be on Tuesday mornings. [P. & T. 11/ I.]

No. 51. The Manager in Australasia, Eastern Extension Company, Adelaide, to the Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. (Telegram.) Adelaide, 29th April, 1914. India, Burma, and Ceylon desirous of exchanging week-end messages with New Zealand on revised basis of twenty words minimum, &c, from the first proximo. The total rate proposed is B|d. Kindly say whether Zealand agrees. [P. & T. 11/16.]

No. 52. The Manager in Australasia, Eastern Extension Company, Melbourne, to the Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. The Eastern Extension Australasia and China Telegraph Company Sib, — Melbourne, 29th April, 1914. I have the honour to refer to the recent messages that have passed between us regarding week-end messages, and to confirm the following revised conditions agreed to by the Dominion :— (1.) Minimum of twenty words. (2.) Messages to be subject to the same rules as " deferreds." (3.) Delivery to continue to be on Tuesday. (4.) Prefix TWT only to be used. (5.) Messages to be dealt with telegraphically throughout,. The places to which it is proposed to apply the revised scheme and the rates are:— Rates per Word. Great Britain ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 9d. Germany ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10d. Union South Africa ... ... ... ... ... .. Bd. South Rhodesia ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 9d. North Rhodesia ... ... ... ... ... ... ... lOjd. Nyassaland ... ... .. ... ... ... ... 10|d. India, Burma, Ceylon ... ... .. ... ... ... Bld. I have received your acceptance of the foregoing conditions for Great Britain, Germany, and the Union of South Africa; but, unfortunately, the German service will require to be held in abeyance until the scheme is in operation between the Commonwealth and Germany. The company has agreed to pay the Dominion a terminal rate of -|d. per word on this weekend traffic. I have, &0., L. Webster, The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. Manager in Australasia

No. 53. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Manager in Australasia, Eastern Extension Company, Adelaide. (Telegram.) Wellington, Ist May, 1914. Exchange week-end messages between New Zealand, India, Burma, and Ceylon agreed to. Total rate eightpence halfpenny per word, with minimum of twenty words. Now Zealand to receive halfpenny per word. Kindly notify when service can commence.