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No. 39. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Manager in Australasia, Eastern Extension Company, Adelaide. (Telegram.) Wellington, 7th April, 1914. Your telegram 26th ultimo week-end cable letters : This Dominion unable agree accept less than halfpenny per word.

No. 40. The Chairman, Pacific Cable Board, London, to the Hon. the Postmaster-General, Wellington. (Telegram.) London, 11th April, 1914. Pacific Cable Board purpose introducing 9d. rate for week-end messages, including telegraphic transmission throughout; minimum twenty words; 15s. rate includes halfpenny per word New Zealand. Do you concur? Will advise date of introduction.

No. 41. The Manages in Australasia, Eastern Extension Company, Sydney, to the Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. (Telegram.) Sydney, 17th April, 1914. Compaq: willing pay Zealand halfpenny terminal on week-ends under conditions already advised you —namely, minimum twenty words, messages subject same rules as deferreds, delivery to continue on Tuesday for present, prefix IWT only to be used, and messages to be dealt with telegraphically throughout. Will Dominion now agree these conditions for messages exchanged with Great Britain, Germany, Union South Africa at following rates: Great Britain ninepence, German}' tenpence, Union South Africa eightpence per word, to include terminal rates all Administrations, and scheme to come into force on first May. If you also agree include South and North Rhodesia and Nyassaland, date and rates will be advised later. Glad receive earlyreply.

No. 42. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Chairman, Pacific Cable Board, London. (Telegram.) Wellington, 17th April, 1.914. Minister approves niuepenny rate for week-end messages, including telegraphic transmission throughout, minimum twenty words; rate to include halfpenny per word for New Zealand. Glad introduction soon possible.

No. 43. The High Commissioner to the Right Hon. the Pbimk Minister, Wellington. Sir,— Westminster Chambers, 13 Victoria Street, London S.W., 17th April, 1914. I have the honour to enclose herein, for your information, copy of a communication I have received from the Pacific Cable Board with regard to their decision to introduce a uniform rate of 9d. per word for week-end cable traffic between the. United Kingdom and Australasia. Copy of the cablegram from the Board to the New Zealand Postmaster-General is also enclosed. I have, (fee, The Right Hon. the Prime Minister, Wellington, N.Z. Thos. Mackenzie. [P. & T. 11/16.] Enclosure 1 in No. 43. The Secretary, Pacific Cable Board, London, to the High Commissioner. Sir, — The Pacific Cable Board, Queen Anne's Chambers S.W., 9th April, 1914. 1 have the honour, by direction, to advise you, for the information of your Government, that the Board at their meeting on the 7th instant decided to introduce a uniform rate of 9d. per word for week-end cable traffic between the United Kingdom and Australasia, to include telegraphic transmission throughout, and it is hoped to bring it into effect on the Ist May proximo. At the same time the minimum charge for these messages will be reduced from 18s. (twentyfour words) to 15s. (twenty words). The rate of 9d. for New Zealand traffic will be made up as follows : — New Zealand terminal and transit ... ... ... ... 0"50 d. Atlantic Company ... ... ... ... ... ... 2"50 d. Pacific Cable ..'. ... ... ... ... ... ... 5"65 d. British Post Office (only on such messages as pass over its lines) ... 0 - 35 d. 9-00 d. I.beg to enclose copy of telegram addressed to-day to the New Zealand Administration regarding the amount to be assigned to that Administration for the inland transmission in New Zealand. The Board understand that the. New Zealand Administration has already intimated to the Eastern Extension Telegraph Company their concurrence in this arrangement. On messages emanating from or destined for places in <'ieat Britain where inland telegraphic transmission is not involved the Pacific Cable proportion will be 6'OOd.