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Enclosure 2 in No. 29. The Secretary, General Post Office, London, to the Secretarf, Pacific Cable Board, London. Sir,— General Post Office, London, 2nd October, 1913. With reference to jour letter of the 6th August, I am directed by the PostmasterGeneral to say that the posting of cable letters for delivery in the United Kingdom is effected by the cable companies. If the packets are not delivered they are returned, in the same way as other undelivered-letter packets, to the company by whom they were posted. It is understood that the companies then notify the office of origin by telegraph of the non-delivery. Cable letters which are to be delivered by telegraph would, if undelivered, be treated in regard to the notification of non-delivery like ordinary telegrams. T have, &c, The Secretary, Pacific Cable Board, London. E \\ Farnall.

No. 30. The Assistant Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Superintendent, Pacific Cable Board, Auckland. Sir. — General Post Office, Wellington, 20th November, 1913. I have the honour to refer to your letter of 30th September last, confirming your telegram of the 29th idem, notifying that your Board had decided to agree to the reduction of the minimum charge for week-end cable letters from 18s. to 155., and to inquire whether you have anything further to communicate in the matter. I have, <fee, F. V. Waters, The Superintendent. Pacific Cable Board, Auckland. Assistant Secretary. [P. & T. 11/ I.]

No. 31. The Superintendent, Pacific Cable Board, Auckland, to the Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. Sir, — The Pacific Cable Board, Auckland Station, 26th November, 1913. 1 be,g to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 20th instant, concerning the minimum charge for week-end letter cablegrams, and to inform you that my head office has advised by cable that the reduction of week-end letter charges is still under consideration. T have, &c, The Secretary. General Post Office, Wellington. Wμ. Bent, Superintendent.

No. 32. The High Commissioner to the Hon. the Prime Minister. Sir, — Westminster Chambers, 13 Victoria Street, London S.W., 12th December, 1913. I have the honour to transmit herewith copy of letter I have received from the Secretary of the Pacific Cable Board covering copy of correspondence exchanged with the Board and the Imperial Post Office relative to the proposal to institute for week-end cable-letter traffic between Great Britain and Australasia a single uniform rate of 9d. per word (with a minimum of 15s. per message), such rate to cover telegraphic transmission in the countries of origin and destination. I enclose a complete copy of this correspondence, part of which has already been sent with my confidential letter of the 26th ultimo [not printed]. 1 have, &c, The Hon. the Prime Minister, Wellington, New Zealand. Thos. Mackenzie.

Enclosure 1 in No. 32. The Secretary, Pacific Cable Board, London, to the High Commissioner. Sir, — Pacific Cable Board, Queen Anne's Chambers, London S.W., 28th November, 1913. . I am directed by the Chairman to transmit for your information copy of correspondence exchanged with the Imperial Post Office relative to the proposal to institute for week-end cableletter traffic between Great Britain and Australasia a single uniform rate of 9d. per word (with a minimum of 15s. per message), such rate to cover telegraphic transmission in the countries of origin and destination. The matter has now been carried to the High Commissioner for Australia, for submission to his Government for their decision as regards terminal rates. I have, &0., The High Commissioner for New Zealand, London. F. J. Adte, Secretary.