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No. 19. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Superintendent, Pacific Cable Board, Auckland. (Telegram.) Wellington, 14th July, 1913. Following from Superintendent, Wakapuaka : " Please add following to list terminal cable offices in Great Britain for week-end messages via Eastern : Birmingham, Cardiff, Porthcurnow. Hull to be opened next October." Presume offices mentioned are available for both routes.

No. 20. " The Superintendent, Pacific Cable Board, Auckland, to the Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. (Telegram.) . Auckland, 15th August, 1913. In reply to your service message of the 14th ultimo, the manager in the Pacific advises: " Birmingham, Cardiff, and Porthcurnow are not available for week-end cablegrams via Pacific addressed to code indicators." [P.C. Rates 13/133.]

No. 21. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Superintendent, Eastern Extension Company, Wakapuaka. (Telegram.) Wellington, 26th August, 1913. Your service 14th July, cable offices Birmingham, Cardiff, Porthcurnow : Are these offices available for messages to code addresses without payment Great Britain inland rate? [P.C. Rates 13/136.]

No. 22. The SupBBiNTBNDBNT, Eastern Extension Company, Wakapuaka. to the Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. (Telegram.) Wakapuaka, 27th August, 1913. Your service yesterday re week-end letter telegrams: Yes.; and all ether Eastern terminal offices in Great Britain are available for messages to code addresses, but not necessarily registered with Eastern. [P.C. Rates 13/137.]

No. 23. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Superintendent, Pacific Cable Board, Auckland. Sir,— General Post Office, Wellington, sth September, 1913. With reference to my service telegram of the 14th July last, regarding week-end cable telegrams for Birmingham, Cardiff, and Porthcurnow, and your service of the 15th ultimo; it is noted that week-end telegrams addressed to code indicators for the places named are not available via Pacific. I have to point out that week-end telegrams addressed to code indicators at those places are available by the Eastern route, and should be glad if you would bring the matter under the notice of your Board, as this Department is of opinion that the facilities for the delivery of all classes of cable messages from New Zealand should be available to all routes. T have, &c, The Superintendent, Pacific Cable Board, Auckland. W. R. Morris, Secretary. [P.C. Rates 13/140.]

No. 24. The Superintendent, Pacific Cable Board, Auckland, to the Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. Sir, — The Pacific Cable Board, Auckland Station, Bth September, 1913. 1 beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the sth instant, concerning week-end cable telegrams for Birmingham, Cardiff, and Porthcurnow, and, in reply, have to inform you that your letter has been forwarded to my Board for consideration. I have, &c, The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. Wμ. Bent, Superintendent. [P.C. Bates 13/141.] ... . , ■