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Table M. —Degrees conferred by the New Zealand University at the Beginning of 1914.

Out of 2,318 students on the books of the University colleges there were thus 131 who rose from the status of undergraduates to that of graduates, and 52 from that of Bachelor to Master of Arts, Laws, or Science, making a total of 183 —a percentage of 7-9, as against 8-1 for 1912. Affiliated Colleges. Reference to Table Mα will show that there were 2,218 students actually in attendance at the four University colleges, an increase of 104 over the number for the previous year. Of these, 104 were graduates, 1,316 were undergraduates, and 798 were unmatriculated students. In addition to the matriculated students mentioned above, there were 100 students attached to the various University colleges, but exempt from lectures—that is, they were prevented by distance or by the necessity of earning their living from attending lectures at the college, but were allowed to keep terms, except in certain science and professional subjects, by passing the annual college examination.

Table Ma.—Students on the Books of the Affiliated Institutions.

Degrees. Auckland vi„t„, University ™*» College. ume| M. F. : Total. M. F. •ia Canterl !e. Collei Total. M. j F. iury ;e. Otago University. Total F. Total.! M. F. Total. M. F. Total. Honours in Arts.. .. .. 2 Honours in Science .. .. 2 Honours in Laws .. .. 1 Master of Arts .. .. .... Master of Laws .. .. .. 1 Master of Science .. ..11 Bachelor of Arts.. .. ! 11 , Science .. .. 8 Medicine and Surgery., „ Dental Surgery Laws .. .. 4 „ Agriculture Senior University Scholarships .. ! 3 John Tinline Scholarships .. ! .. 4 6 6 2 1 1 1 17 3 6 3 1 ii l i "i 4 10 'o 2 18 1 12 1 1 19 1 h 12 1 1 21 1 6 i 19 6 12 2 .1 1 3 1 1 1 3 *9 1 7 1 "i 28 7 12 2 1 1 5 1 26 3 i 2 1 2 60 11 12 2 20 1 11 1 9 1 "i 24 1 35 4 4 6 1 2 84 12 12 2 20 1 14 1 4 13 13 2 *2 i "i 2 '2 3 3 *2 3 Totals .. .. ..28 11 39 37 12 49 39 2 41 52 17 69 156 42 198

Number of Students, 1913. Auckland University College. Victoria College. Canterbury College. Otago University. Totals for 1913. Totals for 1912. I. Attending lectures (whether terms were kept or not) — (1.) Matriculated students— (a.) Graduates— Men Women 17 16 19 5 14 7 15 11 65 39 60 29 Total graduates attending lectures.. 21 33 24 26 104 89 (!>.) Undergraduates— Men Women 194 56 222 129 164 127 305 119 885 431 910 431 Total undergraduates attending lectures (c.) All matriculated students (a) and (6) — Men Women 250 351 291 424 1,316 1,341 208 63 239 145 183 132 320 130 950 470 970 460 Total matriculated students attending lectures (2.) Non-matriculated students— Men Women 271 384 315 450 1,420 1,430 180 202 65 II 154 59 76 48 475 323 483 201 Total non-matriculated students attending lectures (3.) All students attending lectures (1) and (2) — Men Women 382 79 213 124 798 684 388 265 304 159 337 191 396 178 1,425 793 1,453 661 Total of all students attending lectures II. Exempt students not attending lectures, not included above— Men .. .. Women 653 463 528 574 2,218 2,114 a i 39 10 8 1 23 7 81 1.9 88 26 Total exempt students .. 12 49 30 100 114 III. Total of all students (I and II) — Men Women 399 266 343 169 345 192 419 185 1,506 812 1,541 687 Grand total of all students 665 512 537 604 2,318 2,228