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Lowest. —English —Dunlop's English Grammar ; Word and Sentence Builder ; Nesfield's Oral Composition ; Kerr's Growth of the British Empire ; Palmer's Our Empire Overseas ; Croft's Britain On and Beyond the Seas ; Wallis's First Geography ; passages for dictation ; historical ballads ; Call of the Homeland; Westward Ho !; Macaulay, Armada and Ivry; Empire Day Reciter ; McDougall's The World. Latin -Kennedy's Shorter Latin Prime) , ; Hillard and Botting's Elementary Exercises. French—Longmans' Modern French Course; French without Tears. Mathematics—Hall's School Algebra ; Hall and Stevens's Arithmetic; Hall and Stevens's Geometry Ito IV. Science —Bausor's Introductory Course of Chemistry ; Hooton and Mathias's Introductory Course, of Mechanics and Physics. Girls' School. Highest. —English—Shakespeare, Richard II; Ruskin, Sesame and Lilies ; Anthology of Victorian Literature; Nesfield's Past and Present; Chaucer, Prologue and Knighte's Tale. History and Geography —As for Matriculation. Latin —Virgil, iEneid, Book I; Cicero, De Senectute ; miscellaneous reading; Arnold's Prose; Stedman's Papers. French —Weekley's Matriculation French Course; Half-hours with the Best Authors; Bo'ielle's Poetry; phonetics. Science—Heat, Draper's Heat, to Chapter 19. Botany, as for University Scholarship. Arithmetic—-Workman. Algebra— Baker and Bourne. Geometry —Baker and Bourne. Trigonometry—Hall and Knight. Scripture— Acts of Apostles, Chapters 1. to 20. Lowest. —English—Discovery of New Worlds ; Laureata ; Nesfield's Manual; Kenny's Exercises, Part I; Meiklejohn's Spelling List. Latin —Longmans' Course, to page 117. French —Dent's First Course. History —Warner. Geography —Longmans' Book 11. Botany and hygiene—First year's course as for Junior Civil Service. Arithmetic —Pendlebury. Algebra— Baker and Bourne, to exercise Xβ. Geometry —Baker and Bourne, to proposition 11, Book 11. Scripture—St. Matthew's Gospel, to Chapter 12.

OTAGO BOYS' AND GIRLS' HIGH SCHOOLS. Staff. Boys' School.— Mr. W. J. Morrell, M.A.; Mr. M. Watson, M.A. ; Mr. F. H. Campbell, M.A. ; Mr. E. J. Parr, M.A., B.Sc. ; Mr. W. J. Martyn, M.A.;. Mr. John Reid, B.A. ; Mr. A. Watt, M.A. ; Mr. J. G. Fullarton, B.A. ; Mr. James Pow; Mr. T. G. Robertson; Mr. E. White, M.A. ; Mr. H. W. Slater, M.A. ; Mr. John Hanna ; Mr. D. Sherriff. Girls' School— Miss F. M. Allan, M.A. ; Miss S, C. C. MoKnight, M.A., M.Sc. ; Miss M. M. Alves ; Miss L. A. N. Downos, B.A. ; Miss H. K. Dalrymple, B.A. ; Miss L. S. Morton, B.A. ; Miss J. B. Reid, B.A. ; Mr. John Hanna ; Miss. A. W. Hastings ; Miss M. McLeod ; Mr. S. Wolf. 1. Report of the Board of Governors. I have the honour to forward the following general report of the Otago Boys' and Girls' High Schools for the year ending the 31st December, 1913. The average attendance at the schools for the year was 327 at the Boys' and 183 at the Girls'. Dr. Anderson and Mr. Gill inspected the schools towards the end of the year, and reported favourably thereon. The record of the schools for the year has been of a very satisfactory character. The boarding establishment at the Rectory under the charge of Mr. F. H. Campbell and assistants has been well patronized, and the work done there and attention which has been given to boarders gained the highest approval of the Board. The health, comfort, and general care of the boys has been admirably attended to. The number of boys accommodated at the Rectory is thirty-eight. The staff of the school has been slightly changed during the year. Mr. J. G. Fullarton, 8.A., after doing good work for over ten years, resigned, and Mr. Colin M. Littlejohn, M.A., was appointed to succeed him. Miss H. K. Dalrymple, 8.A., was appointed to the staff of the Girls' School early in the year. Miss E. B. Smith, 8.A., resigned later on, and Miss J. B. Reid, 8.A., was selected to fill the vacancy. It is with regret that I have to announce the retirement upon superannuation of Mr. John Hanna as from the end of June, 1914. Mr. Hanna for thirty years has been a most faithful and indefatigable physical instructor to both the Boys' and Girls' Schools, and the Board recognizes the loss which the schools sustain through his retirement. Mr. W. L. Phillips has been engaged as successor to Mr. Hanna, and as he comes to us with certificates of the most promising character we anticipate that the high grade which has obtained in physical instruction in the past will be maintained. The science building at the Boys' School is now completed, and it should prove of inestimable value to the school. The hall at the Girls' School,"an indispensable addition to the building, is now nearing completion. The Rector's residence will also soon be ready for occupation. This building is on the site of the old residence erected over fifty years ago, which had become unfit for habitation. The year 1913 was notable as the fiftieth anniversary of the opening of the Otago Boys' High School. Jubilee celebrations were conceived and carried out in an eminently successful manner by the Otago Boys' High School Jubilee Association, and the Board would like here to record its keen appreciation of the great services rendered to the school in connexion with the event by the executive and members of the association. Permanent benefit is likely to accrue to the school because of these celebrations. The enrolment (384) at the Boys' School for 1914 shows a large increase over that of any other year in the history of the school, and the enrolment at the Girls' (214) is a most satisfactory record. Thomas Fergus, Chairman.