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2. Work of the Highest and Lowest Classes. Boys , College. Highest. —English -Shakespeare, Henry V ; selections from Chaucer, Milton, Golden Treasury of Lyrics, and Tennyson ; Maoaulay, Essays ; Bacon, Essays ; Nesfield's Historical English Grammar and Aids to Composition ; Brooke's Primer of English Literature. Latin— Cicero's Select Orations ; verse selections; Sallust, Catiline; Terence, Phormio; Bradley's Arnold and Aids; Shuckburgh, Roman History; Primer of Antiquities. French- Siepmann's Course, Part 111 ; selected authors ; Blouet's Composition ; Wellington College Grammar; Dent's Phonetic .Reader. MathematicsJones's Modern Arithmetic; Chrystall's Elementary Algebra, to binomial theorem for positive integral indices; Barnard and Childs's Geometry; Hocevar's Solid Geometry, elementary ; Lachlan and Fletcher's Plane Trigonometry, to solution of triangles. Science as for Junior Scholarships; Edser's Heat; Jones's Exercises in Physics; Jones and Blomfield's Mechanics. Lowed. -English—The Storied Past; Scott, Ivanhoe; Kingsley, Westward Ho!; Mason's First Notions of Grammar; Nesfield's Junior Composition; Meiklejohn's Spelling; Gillies, Simple Studies in History ; Meiklejohn's Geography, Part I. Latin- —Dixs First Latin Lessons. French—Siepmann's Primary French Course, Part I. Mathematics —Workman's Arithmetic; Baker and Bourne's Geometry ; Barnard and Childs's Algebra, Part I. Science- -Stenhouse's Science of Common Life ; Hansen's Physical Measurements ; agricultural side, field-work. Girls' College. Highest.- —Junior University Scholarships and B.A. Degree work-Latin- Sallust, Catiline; Terence, Phormio; Bradley's Arnold's Prose Composition; Allen's Elementary Latin Grammar; Bradley's Aids to Latin Prose ; selections from Blaekie's Senior Unseens ; Watt and Hayes's Selections from Latin Authors ; Wilkins's Antiquities ; Robinson's First History of Rome ; Stedman's Latin Examination Papers. French- —Eve's Wellington College Grammar ; Spiers's Rapid French Grammar ; Bue's Idioms; Siepmann's Phonetics; Rostand, Cyrano de Bergerac; V.Hugo, Ruyßlas; Balzac, Ursule Mirouet. Mathematics —Pendlebury's Elementary Trigonometry; Barnard and Childs's Algebra; Baker and Bourne's Elementary Geometry ; Loney's Elements of Statics and Dynamics ; Loney's Elements of Hydrostatics. Botany —Lowson's Second Stage Botany; Ewart's Elementary Botany. History —Ransome, A Short History of England. German Schiller, Wilhelm Tell; Schiller, Die Jungfrau yon Orleans; Goethe, Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre; Lessing, Emilia Galotti; Eve, School German Grammar; Buchheim, German Prose Composition ; Morich, German Examination Papers. Lowest. —First year of Civil Service work : English— Arnold, In the World of Books ; Frank Jones, A First English Course ; Kenny, Exercises in English Composition, Book II ; An Edgbaston Book of Poetry. Mathematics —Loney and Grenville, A Shilling Arithmetic ; Geography - Meiklejohn's New Geography; Shrimpton and Hight, A Junior Geography of Australia and New Zealand. Physiology —Lyster, First Stage of Hygiene. History— Tout, A First Book of British History. Home Science - -Simmons and Stenhouse, Science of Common Life. RANGIORA HIGH SCHOOL. Staff. Mr. T. R. Cresswell, M.A. ; Mr. S. A. Clark, B.A. ; Miss I). H. Allan, M.A. ; Miss G. E. Griffiths, M.A. ; Miss E. Pitts; Mr, Gibbs-Jordon. 1. Rkport of the Board of Governors. The report of the past year's work has again shown that the school methods are giving excellent results. It is gratifying to the Board to know that a high standard of attainment is being maintained in the school. Owing to the reopening of the District High School at Oxford there was, for a time, a slight decrease in the roll-number, but later on the numbers increased again. Agricultural science and allied subjects have been taught with gratifying success, and exhibits from the school plots have won prizes at the shows in North Canterbury. The report on the school by the Education Department's Inspector was of a very satisfactory nature, and the Board congratulated the principal and staff after the report came to hand. During the past season two innovations were made to enable those interested in the agricultural work at the school to inspect the results obtained from scientific agriculture. On one afternoon a farmers' inspection was held, by invitation, and a week later a parents' inspection was held. The functions were well attended, and the principal and first assistant were complimented on the excellent results. A gentleman in North Canterbury offered to donate a sum of money to the school to assist in carrying out a special branch of scientific agricultural work. The Board was unable to claim this for the time being, as it would mean special building-accommodation. Had means been available for the completion of the newer portion of the school, provision for this object could have been made. At the various examinations the school did very well, forty scholars being successful out of a roll number of rather less than a hundred. The school boardinghouse is a very popular institution and is well patronized. The charges are very moderate, and a homelike influence is r noticeable. The High School Defence Cadets continue to maintain their reputation for efficiency. Robert Ball, Chairman.