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V. Hugo, Ruy Bias; Rostand, Cyrano de Bergerac; Balzac, Ursule Mirouet. Mathematics: Tutorial Arithmetic; Hall and Stevens's Geometry; Ross's Algebra, Parts I and II; Hall and Knight's Trigonometry. Botany —Lowson's Second Stage Botany. Heat—Glazebrook's Heat. Lowest. —English—Mason's Intermediate Grammar ; Dickens, Tale of Two Cities ; Shakespeare, As You Like It; J. C. Smith's A Book of Verse, 11. Latin—Scott and Jones, A First Latin Course. French—Siepmann's Primary French Course, Part 1, lessons 1-30. Arithmetic—As prescribed for Standard VII. The teacher used Pendlebury's Arithmetic. The children had no text-book. Algebra —-Borchardt's Algebra, Part I, examples 1-22. Geometry—Hall and Stevens's Geometry, Part I. History—Tout, A First Book of British History, Chapters 1-24. Geography —The British Empire. The pupils had no books other than their atlases. Botany—Gillies, First Studies of Plant-life in Australasia. WANGANUI GIRLS' COLLEGE. Staff. Miss C. M. Cruiekshank, M.A., M.Sc. ; Miss S. E. Gifford, M.A. ; Miss J. Knapp, B.A. ; Miss J. R. Currie, M.A.; Miss A. B. Blonnerhasset, B.A. ; Miss E. M. Mclntosh, M.A. ; Miss F. ,T. Grant, B.A. ; Miss Backingsale, B.A. ; Miss C. C. H. RockeL M.A. ; Miss A. I. Haslett, B.A. ; Mrs. S. A. C. Redwood ; Miss J. Cherret: Miss M. Paton ; Mr. D. Seaward ; Miss M. L. Browne ; Dr. Elizabeth Dunn, M.B. ; Miss Elizabeth Inkster ; Mrs. Ivo Symes ; Mrs. A. Wray ; Mrs. M. S. Watkin ; Mr. W. j. Penhall. 1. Report of the Board of Governors. 1 have the honour to report as follows for the year ending 31st December, 1913 :— Staff. —At the beginning of the school year Miss J. Knapp, who had been on leave in order to visit England, resumed her position. Miss J. R. Currie left for England in December, 1912, and in her absence Miss A. I. Haslett assisted in the work. In December the Board accepted with regret the resignation of Miss E. M. Mclntosh, who after several years of excellent service accepted a position in the Christchurch Girls' High School. To fill the vacancy one teacher was promoted and a new teacher, Miss 0. J. Gruar, 8.A., was chosen to take charge of the lower department. Miss J. Cherrett left at the close of the school year on a visit to England, and Miss E. Paton was appointed locum tenens. Attendance. —The attendance has varied very little except that the number of boarders was during the first and second terms lower than during the preceding year. The number for the third term was the same as for the corresponding term of 1912. Distinctions. —Three girls passed the annual examination of Victoria College for first terms, five girls gained Education Board Scholarships, and several passed the examination for these scholarships and thus earned free tuition, in some cases, for two and in others for three years. During the year forty three girls received free tuition, of whom twelve were boarders and holders of Education Board or Junior National Scholarships ; and of the day pupils fifteen were scholarship-holders. W. J. Carson, Secretary. 2. Work of the Highest and Lowest Classes. Highest. —French, Latin, English, and mathematics as set for B.A. Examination. Mechanics, as set for Junior University Scholarship Examination. History—Green's History of England; English History from Original Sources ; Scenes from European History. Lowest. —English—Marmion, Cantos I-IV ; Kingsley's Heroes ; Mason's Junior Grammar; Arnold's Shilling Composition. Geography—lreland, England, Scotland, Europe. History—From beginning up to end of Elizabeth. Physiology— Skeleton, circulation, nutrition. Arithmetic as for Standards V and VI. WANGANUI COLLEGIATE SCHOOL. Staff, Rev ,) D. Dove, M.A. ; Mr. 0. Price, M.A. ; Mr. H. B. Watson, M.A. ; Mr. J. E. Bannister, M.A. ; Mr. !■'. L. Peck • Mr. G. ¥. McGrath, M.A. ; Mr. J. A. Noame, B.A. ; Mr. J. Allen, B.A. ; Mr. H. M. Biitterworth ; Mr. H. E. Sturge, M.A. ; Mr. A. G. Hodge, B.A. ; Mr. P. H. Latham, B.A. ; Mr. L. S. Jennings, 8.A., M.Sc; Mr. A. T. Long ; Mr. l.'j. Watkin, A.M.S.K. 1. Report of the Board of Governors. In presenting the annual report it is satisfactory to note that the financial result for the year ended 31st December, 1913, shows a distinct improvement on last year, though again there is a deficit to be recorded. As explained in last annual report, this arises through the large increase in expenditure, due to new building and equipment, increased salaries of masters, and more liberal treatment of boarders, not having been quite met by the growth in income from the revised scale of fees, and from the estate. The additional revenue anticipated from letting the valuable Avenue sites freed by the removal of the old College buildings has not been realized. The Avenue frontages of this part of the property were last year exposed for sale at an upset annual rental totalling over £1,100. But from various causes the sale was not successful —nor, indeed, was success expected. The fact is that a great many business sites in the Avenue have within the last three years been placed on the market, owing to the removal of the Presbyterian Church and of various buildings belonging to the Roman Catholic Church, all of which are nearer the business centre than our property, and the demand for sites of this kind has been temporarily satisfied. The Church sites, however, have now been absorbed, so that in the near future