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SECONDARY EDUCATION. Number or Schools. The schools usually included in the list of secondary schools in this report were thirty-three in number in 1913, namely, — {a.) "Endowed secondary schools" within the meaning of section 89 of the Education Act, 1908, and included in the Eighth Schedule to the Act 27* (b.) Secondary schools within the meaning of the same section (89), but established by the Minister under section 94 ... ... ... 4 (c.) Other endowed secondary schools not coming within the definition of section 89 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 Total ... ... ... ... ... ... 33 * One separate department for girls regarded as a separate school. Of the endowed secondary schools only twenty-three were in operation during the year. Of the other four—Akaroa, Greymouth, Hokitika, and Waimate—the last three have never been in operation, and the first existed as a small struggling high school for a few years only ; but a permanent increase of population might lead to the establishment (or re-establishment) of one or more of them at any time. Meanwhile, secondary education is carried on in the secondary departments of the district high schools established in each of these four centres, and statutory provision exists whereby the income derived from the endowments of the secondary schools may be devoted, if the Minister thinks fit, wholly or in part to the maintenance of these district high schools. In addition to the above thirty-three schools, there are ten schools providing suitable secondary education for Maori boys and girls, and a considerable number of private secondary schools. Roll and Attendance. The total number of pupils attending the thirty-three secondary schools in the last terms of 1912 and 1913 respectively was— 1912. , 1913. , Boys. Girls. Total. Boys. Girls. Total. Eoll (exclusive of lower departments) 3,202 2,340 5,542 3,413 2,390 5,803 Number in lower departments ... 167 122 289 222 129 351 Total ... ... 3,369 2,462 5,831 3,635 2,519 6,154 Number of boarders (included above) 701 152 853 765 169 934 The following are some of the figures in connexion with the roll and attendance of secondary schools and secondary departments of district high schools :• — (a.) Secondary Schools. _ _. , v ' Boys. Girls. Number on roll at beginning of 1913, lower departments excluded 2,362 1,615 Number admitted during 1913, lower departments excluded ... 1,503 1,075 Number who left during 1913, lower departments excluded ... 452 300 Number on roll at end of 1913, lower departments excluded ... 3,413 2,390 Number on roll at end of 1913, lower departments included ... 3,635 2,519 Of whom the number under twelve years of age was ... ... 99 60 And the number over eighteen years of age was ... ... 178 116 Number of boarders was ... ... ... ... ... 765 169 Average attendance, lower departments excluded ... ... 5,835 Average attendance, lower departments included .... ... 6,142 (&.) Secondary Departments of District High Schools. Number of district high schools open at end of 1913 ... ... 59 Mean of average weekly roll of secondary departments ... ... 2,073 Number on roll at end'of 1913 ... ... ... ... 1,837 Average attendance of secondary departments ~, ~. ... 1,880