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Appendix D.]


to start a library club, which will read certain works for the pure delight of reading them. We shall endeavour to sink the abstraction of style, and so imbibe some amount of corrective to the prevailing complaint. In arranging for the teaching practice of the students I have worked on the principle of lessons under careful supervision for junior students and continuous practice for seniors. The Board have associated the city schools with the practising school and made this possible. Each senior student this year spent a month at a time with the same class, and so worked through all the standard classes. None but classes of teachers recommended by the Board's Inspectors were chosen for practice. The students have appreciated the privilege of working with some of the Board's best teachers, and seem to have given satisfaction by their efforts. Next year I shall have to find practice for sixty-nine senior students. Each of the leaving students has had from two to four weeks in one of the model schools, and each of the females a similar period in the kindergarten-room. The Students' Association have displayed their usual activity. Three socials and two picnics have been held during the year. The College magazine keeps up to its usual level, and tennis and hockey have been well patronized. Mr. Cuthill, one of the seniors, represented the College in the University team which toured New South Wales and in the New Zealand team which toured the western States and western Canada. Mr. Hanna is retiring on superannuation from the position of physical instructor. He has a fine record of work, enthusiastically and skilfully carried out, and takes the best wishes of the staff with him. Several changes have occurred on the staff of the Normal School. I have to thank the head teacher, Mr. McElrea, «and his staff for the interest they have shown in the work of the students. There is no doubt that the staff of a Normal School makes considerable sacrifices for the benefit of the future teachers of the Dominion. I have, &c, The Secretary, Education Board, Dunedin. E. Pinder, Principal.