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Table D4.—Statistics in regard to Private, Schools subject to Inspection by Officers of Education Boards for the Year 1913.

Table E1. —School Staff, December, 1913 (exclusive of Secondary Departments of District High Schools).


Total Number Number present in Stamla Number I EoU : Average ! R a ° n P re a s t ent ICertittcat, Education Districts. ° f Number. A "®" d " Annual Annual Schools. I anoe. Bxamina . Examiua- Pre- Standard Standard p tion. tion. paratory VI VII ; H ; Classes. Classes. Classes, '"-"""->• ... . . _ Auckland .. 36 i 4,094 3,535 i 3,881 : 3,560 1,346 221 50 113 Taranaki .. 10 624 I 580 606 | 594 270 59 14 26 Wanganui .. 20 1,160 j 1,342 1,326 1,258 675 j 71 29 42 Wellington .. 17 ! 1,743 1,569 ' 1,733 ' 1,616 870 103 28 67 Hawke's Bay .. 15 i 1,405 1,275 1,201 ' 1,132 439 78 16 ! 28 Marl borough .. 6 190 167 189 176 108 I 16 7 7 Nelson.. ... 6 482 428 492 486 156 35 17 13 Grey .. .. ! 5 552 507 ! 536 : 523 243 40 2 23 Westland .. 5 286 267 283 | 279 156 22 .. 17 North Canterbury 20 i 1,832 j 1,573 1,792 i 1,647 605 96 32 64 South Canterbury 5 486 103 451 ' 430 198 i 38 9 | 21 Otago .. .. 12 1,518 1,320 ! 1,526 ! 1,469 403 ,93 1 78 Southland .. i 9 678 552 640 603 277 '40 .. 17 Totals for 1913 ' 166 15,350 13,513 14,659 13,773 5,806 912 i 205 i 511 Totals for 1912 : 197 13,677 12,086 13,286 12,322 5,410 811 269 | 473 2 I Difference ... -31 : 1,673 1,427 1,373 : 1,451 396 1.01 -64 38 jer of na VI es issued Competency. 33 12 14 25 17 8 10 26 15 14 t> Totals for 1913 Totals for 1912 166 ! 15,350 197 ! 13,677 912 811 205 269 511 473 181 171 " f Difference .. j -31 1,673 101 -64 38 10 I I I.I

Education Districts. So a o Heads of Sole , Assis Schools. i Teachers Teac M. F. M. F. ! M. \_ rtant j Total Number of jhers. Adult Teachers. Pupil teachei M. P. !-•■ rs. Jill: SSI ifjp a & / *h 0 o ~_L 0 JMf iillfi Auckland .. Taranaki Wanganui Wellington Hawke's Bay Marlborough Nelson Grey Westland North Canterbury .. South Canterbury .. Otago Southland 614 97i 210J 175! 135 93 126 3ol 37 220! 86! 246i 18li 192 14 209 141! 86 i 30 18 . 8 40| 10 i 87 13 57 50. 32 I 69 8 29 64 56 57 5 21 51! 26 13 1 12 66j 3 34 6 14 63 6 6! 3 3 22! 2 5 2 2 27 .. I 93 11 32 81 44 S 24 2 11 49 8 i 106 .. 42 97 57 i 51 21 46 61 20 F. M. F. Total. 435 487 590 1,077 66 i 481 1241 172 156, 176i 219 395 202 154 ! 274 j 428 1181 104! 174 278 25 i 28| 92, 120 72; 54 ! 141 195 2l! II 1 46 1 57 18 7 1 42 1 49 227 i 169 319 488 55 43 106 149 236 205 333 538 117 117 199 316 1743 1,603 2,659, 4,262 , 1632!l,555 ! 2,550 l 4,105 1 I j i ) 111 48 109, 157 i 50 150 2 15 12 59 14 36 . 8 35 3 2 21 2 4 1 2 21 88 9 16 13 24 8 21 3 o 200 17 71 ■ 50 43 3 23 6 3 109 I 25 37 29 1,277 82-5 189 387 466| 80-4 4781 56-2 321 [ 59-8 123 i 30-4 218 38-3 63 23-9 52 16-7 597 53'0 174 40-6 575| 61-6 345 58'8 40,681 34-6 5,370 " 29-7 13,912 ! 32-3 16,288 , 36-0 10,255 34-2 2,167 ' 17-9 5,631 27-6 1,733 28-9 1,053 ' 20-6 18,973 ' 34-9 5,170 31-9 19,067 34-2 9,695 29-3 Totals for 1913.. Totals for 1912.. 2,255; ! 2,214 ; i i ! ! 767 104 486 812 350* : 733 107 482 811 340J 34-3 4 1 10 142 474 162 476 616 638 4,878 60-3 4,743 601 149,995 145,489 32-8 329 Difference.. 41 -20 -2 4,506 -0-1 -22 135 j 0-2