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III.—DETAILED TABLES, ETC. Table A1.—Number of Public Schools, December, 1913. [Classified according to Part I of First Schedule to the Education Amendment Act, 1908.]

Table B1. —School Attendance at Public Schools for 1913 (Including Secondary Departments of District High Schools.)


Grade of School and Average Attendance. i 5 5 1 I a M .5 Si 3 ® eS £ pq 'a w ! 1 a 'A n N 6 8 o a s III Us Is CO <c 0 1-8 1 9-15 II 16-25 III 26-35 IV 36-80 V 81-120 vr (VlA 121-160 ( VIb 161-200 VTT VIIa 201-250 v (VIIb 251-300 (VI Hα 301-350 VIII VIIIβ 351-400 (VIIIc 401-450 (IXa 451-500 IX \ IXb 501-550 I IXc 551-600 Xα 601-650 Xβ 651-700 Xo 701-750 Xd 751-800 X-; Xβ 801-850 Xf 851-900 Xg 901-950 Xh 951-1,000 Xi 1,001-1,050 40. 124 148 89 125 22 9 9 10 7 6 1 4 4 4 1 9 13 ' 37 21 42 16 ■ 21 34 61 6 ! 9 1 12 1 .. ! 4 2 2 .. ! 6 - 1 ! * 1 l! l 11 28 31 23 33 13 5 6 5 4 4 2 3 14 39 26 23 17 13 18 4 27 9 13 2 3 1 3 ! .. 4 1 5 1 1 1 12 34 ! 26 ! 11 26 5 5 3 2 1 8 9 6 2 5 1 2 1 11 9 7 3 4 2 •■ 7 24 51 29 52 22 9 1 3 2 6 2 1 2 1 1 5 i 15 24 18 16 4 1 2 12 38 ! 54 34 57 14 7 4 2 4 4 3 1 4 1 8 173 164 32 412 395 40 480 472 29 297 312 42 491 484 12 I 125 122 6 59 54 3 34 31 3 I 35 40 1 ! 28 28 2 29 24 .. 13 17 1 ' 13 8 13 12 1 j 13 9 ..' 3 7 15 13 3 3 ..8 8 1 5 5 .. 3 8 ..■] 2 2 .. i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 "l 2 2 \ 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 ! .. 1 1 2 1 1 1 •• I •• • • I .. Totals for 1913 .. Totals for 1912 .. 614 596 18 97 210 94 206 3 4 175 170 5 135 93 133 93 2 126 125 1 35 83 2 37 34 8 220 220 86 84 2 246 245 1 181 2,255 181 J .. 2,214 41 Difference I Note.—Part-time sc noluded in the respective ohools grade i, and mair is determine i scbc id by 1 x>ls with si the separate ide-sch : averai iooIs i £fe att( attach 3ndan< ied, a: je of e re con ach so' mted hool. separately, and are

_ — Averag ;oll Numbers. Ave^° ! ge Attendance for ie Year (Mean of Attendance of Four Quarters). Percentage of the Mean of Average Weekly Roll of ' Four Quarters. Education Districts. Pupils at 31st Decernber, 1912. I belonging Decem BoUrfpSurj Bo^ Girls. Total. * *~\-i rt * m it 1 1913. 1912. Auckland .. Taranaki . . Wanganui Wellington Hawko'a Bay Marlborough Nelson .. 44.423 6,080 .. 15,103 .. 18,105 .. 11,131 2,401 6,250 44.423 0,080 15,103 18,105 11,131 2,401 6,250 1,951 1,199 21,834 5,927 20,801 11,053 46,607 46,122 21,267. 6,192 6,153 2,893 15,614 15,555 7,413 18,609 18,472 8,797 11,795*' 11,464 5,454 2,457 2,397 1,155 6,446 : 6,369 3,084 2,027 1,953 924 1,244 1,226 585 22,415 21,970 10,163 6,053 5,926 2,734 21,420 20,957 10,124 11,22!) 10,960 5,058 46,607 6,192 15,614 18,609 11,795* 2,457 6,446 2,027 1,244 22,415 ! 0,053 21,420 11,22!) 19,448 40,715 2,570 o,472 6,491 13,904 7,875 16,672 4,842 10,296 1,003 2,158 2,€01 5,685 841 1,765 520 1,105 9,153 19,316 2,517 5,251 9,109 19,233 4,612 9,670 88-3 88-2 88-9 871 89-4 , 88-5 90-3 90-2 89-8 89-8 90-0 89-6 89-3 I 89-1 90-4 88-0 90-1 89-6 87-9 ! 88-6 88-6 89-1. 91-8 90-2 88-2 88-6 I 89-2 88-9 + 0-3 Grey Westland North Canterbury South Canterbury Otago Southland 1,951 1,199 .. 21,834 5,927 .. 20,801 .. 11,053 Totals for 1913 Totals for 1912 .. 166,264 .. 161,648 166,264 161,648 172,168 169,530 79,651 166,264 164,492 I 70,978 5,904 5,038 2,673 172,168 166,264 71,591 151,242 69,304 146,282 Difference 4,616 4,616 5,904 2,287 4,960