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I respectfully request, therefore, that the necessary Proclamation taking the land may be made, and I submit a form of notice which I trust may be found sufficient for the purpose. I have, &c, H. W. NORTHCROrT, Resident Commissioner. The Hon. the Minister in Charge, Cook Islands Administration, Wellington. Sir, — Cook Islands Administration Department, Wellington, 20th October, 1913. Further to my letter of the 10th instant, I have no,w the honour to forward to you herewith notification, duly signed by His Excellency the Governor, taking a further area of land for the drainage of the Maraerenga Lagoon. I have, &c. M. POMARE, The Resident Commissioner, Rarotonga. Minister in Charge.

Lands taken for Drainage Purposes at Avarua, Marotonga, Cook Islands. Liverpool, Governor. Whereas the lands mentioned in the Schedule hereto are required to be taken, under the Cook Islands Government Act, 1908, for certain public works, to wit, for drainage purposes at Avarua, Rarotonga, Cook Islands : Now, therefore, I, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities vested in me by the said Act, and of every other power and authority in anywise enabling me in this behalf, do hereby notify that, on the date qf the publication hereof in the Cook Islands Gazette, the lands mentioned in the Schedule hereto are taken for drainage purposes at Avarua, Rarotonga, Cook Islands, Schedule. All that piece of land containing 25*9 arpents, being part of Section 71, Settlement of Avarua, in the Island of Rarotonga, starting from a peg on the southern side of the Main Breach Road and near the eastern side of the Takuvaine Creek; thence southerly 40 - 2 metres tc an Au tree; thence southerly 475 meters to a peg; thence south-easterly 100 meters to the corner of a stone wall; thence northerly along a stone wall 490 meters; thence easterly along a stone wall 13-6 meters; thence northerly along a stone wall 645 meters; thence along the southern side of the main road 468 meters to the starting-point. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this eighteenth day of October, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen. . M. POMARE.

NIUE ISLAND. REPORT OF RESIDENT COMMISSIONER. Sir, — Niue Island Administration, Niue, 15th April, 1914. I have the honour to forward herewith my report for the year ended 31st March, 1914, together with Statement of Revenue, Statement of Expenditure (with substatements C, D, E, and F), Statement of Liquor Account, Return of Imports, and Return of Exports. I have, &o M H. Cornwall, Resident Commissioner. The Hon. the Minister, Cook and other Islands Administration, Wellington.

Finance. The receipts from all sources amounted to £2,491 12s. 4d., and the expenditure to £3,068 7s. As compared with the year 1912-13 the receipts show a falling-ofi of £188 3s. 9d. The expenditure was £748 ss. 6d. more than last year, £304 being due to increased general expenses, and £444 to increased expenditure on public works. The balance at credit of the Administration on the 31st March, 1914, amounted to £1,272 16s. 2d. The expenditure may be classified as follows : — £ s d General administration, including school and medical service ... 1,498 11 9 Public-works expenditure ... ... ... ... ... 1 569 15 7 £3,068 7 4 Full particulars of the receipts and expenditure will be found in Statements A and B and the supporting statements herewith.

5—A. 3.