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Aitutaki Resident Agent's Quarters. A wooden building was erected on the Island of Aitutaki, the same as was built the year before for Mauke. Upkeep of Government Buildings. The Government Buildings have been kept in good repair. Tanks, Outlying Islands. At the Island of Mauke two tanks were built; at the Island of Mitiaro one tank. At the Island of Atiu it was the intention of the Government to build two tanks, but through some misunderstanding a small tank was built on the beach, instead of what was intended — to put two tanks at the hill settlement, where good water is badly needed. A good deal of the material intended for Atiu was sent over to Aitutaki, where a tank was built at the settlement of Amuri. The style of tank adopted is a tank 10 ft. internal diameter and 10 ft. to springing of dome, containing, roughly, 5,000 gallons. The tanks are of reinforced concrete. The tanks on low-lying islands are about 8 ft. above ground-level, so as in case of a sea going over the island the water in the tank will be safe. The top is covered in, leaving only a small manhole with lid. The tanks are practically mosquito-proof. The water is drawn off from near the bottom of the tank by a tap, to which access is got by steps, so as no one need go on top of the tank and have the chance of polluting the water. The water enters the tank from the top, and the overflow is worked from the bottom by a stand-pipe brought up nearly to the level of the top of the tank. This method was recommended to me by the Chief Medical Officer, and seems (to answer well. Takutea Island. A gang of men was sent over to Takutea, the Government island. They cleaned about half the island, built a reinforeed-concrete tank to hold about 2,000 gallons, and erected a shed, 50 ft. b\- 16 ft. I called once during the year in a schooner, but the sea was so rough we could not get a, landing, so I cannot make a full reporit on the island, but from what 1 am told the coconuts are doing well. This island should make a good prison when the Government requires one. Roads and Bridges, Rarotonga. The roads in the settlement of Avarua have been kept in good order by the Government. The Natives have not done very, much to the road round the island they should keep in order. 1 still think that they should pay a road-tax, as mentioned in former reports. Maraerenga Swamp. The Maraerenga Swamp lias been drained. The drain has little fall, but answers well. Where formerly there was nearly always water lying an experimental nursery is being made by the Government. Titihaveka Water-supply. The settlement of Titikaveka has now been supplied with water. Some 0,000 ft. of 3 in. pipe and about 5,000 ft. of 2 in. pipe and some fifty-three houses have been connected. The head is 195 ft., and the quantity, quality, and pressure of the water is all that will be needed for years to come. Moorings, Avarua Harbour. Five anchors and some chains have been purchased by the Government from the wrecked ship " Triton," but have not yet been put in place, but will be placed very shortly, when good moorings will be had for any schooner entering the harbour. Registrar's House. The Registrar's house was renovated, a new veranda put on in front and a new dining-room at the back. The house is now occupied by the Assistant Medical Officer. Hospital Improvements. Several improvements were made to the Hospital during the year. A new kitchen and two water-closets have been built, and other improvements made. • Public Works Store. A lean-to was put on to the store to form a carpenter's workshop. 1 have, Arc, The Resident Commissioner. H. M. Cuknal, Engineer.