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[b. bennie.

C—l 4.

301 And in the Extended Mine?—No serious accidents were reported to me from there. Willcox and Conn were burnt. I only got the information when 1 asked the manager for it 302. You wrote to Mr. Fletcher for a return of the cases of burning during the last two years —that was in January? —Yes. 303. Have you any reason to suspect that that list is not correct* —JNo. 304 You report every month to the Under-Secretary for Mines? —Yes. 305. Your report contains a summary of your inspections of the various mines tor the previous month? —Yes. 306 Have you found gas in the working-places in Ralphs Mine?— Never. 307. And have you made a thorough inspection of the working-places?— Not with a satetymP 3oB. Have you used the ladders and examined the working-places?— Yes. 309. And you never found gas there? —No. 310. Have you examined the old workings? —I have. 311 Have you found gas there ? —Yes. 312' In large or small quantities ?-On one occasion 212 cubic feet and in another place on the same day somewhere about 550 ft. It was a gaseous mixture, with a percentage of about 6 Per 3l3 nt How many times did you discover gas in the old workings since January last?-Speak-ing from memory, about three separate times. 314. Was that gas cleared away?— Yes; one time I might have found it and the next time I wouldl not Mr Fktcher agki him t0 water the coaldust: that was because of inconvenience 7 caused by the dust to the men?-Yes, I thought it was unreasonable to expect " b<> "3l6 W On k tne e iHh July you wrote again to Mr. Fletcher pointing out the danger from coaldust, ■■md alskine him to appoint shot-firers and to water the coaldust ?—That is so. and f^ Y^h&d P q P prior tQ the disaster any knoW ledge of the extreme inflammability of the coaldust - f is X; ? - r N e ° x , ence that the direotions you gave in regard to watering the dust and thi Tappointaei of snoffirers were sufficient to secure the safety of the men m the mmc?YeS 319. I understand that you met Mr. Reed at the Thames about the sth September of this year 320 Ye W.s it arranged that he should come to the to see yout-He came to the Thames to attend fconfe "nee with Warden Burgess, Inspector Paul, and myself to inquire into an application for a loan which was made by one of the gold-mining companies. Also, it was understood that should I be advised that there was a reasonable chance of my securing a conviction alinst the Taupiri Coal-mines (Limited) in reference to Ralph's Mine, he was to assist me with the prosecution P He had also arranged to make a visit of inspection to the mines in the North Island. , IX lt\T^o7t;Vr^nL,too A from Mr. Reed that he had to hurry back to the WeSt 3 S a had passed between Mr. Reed and the UnderSe ° re 324 y you his fears of the dangerous condition of Ralph's Mine'-We had Conversations o/the subject! but as I had a more perfect know edge of the conPrefe 325 d Hhirlk tTlTpection of the old workings which was commenced some years ago was undertaken at your suggestion ? —Yes. St. t "u/SS , the ~,„« did ™ »,e.»r. the ,».,,tity of .i, p.».» g through Tes the m,».gS "tified me .arlj, in the year of his intention to .ink m ..r-h.ft *■ «■*» ■ "''aK-StlrSt you top. .«J -pinion .. to the amount of gf . in the feet ' S3l Have you formed any opinion as to which way Martin got into 6?-I am thoroughly liillieiie not likely that he could have been that far ahead of the boys.