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Cook Islands Administration Department, Wellington, Bth August, 1914. The annual reports of the Resident Commissioner at Rarotonga and the Resident Commissioner at Niue are attached hereto. The following items of interest in the reports are drawn attention to :— Revenue and Expenditure. The revenue for the year in the Cook Islands amounted to £11,722, being an increase of £2,302 on the figures of the previous year. A sum of £10,194 was expended, of which amount £3,936 was devoted to public works. A sum of £2,351 was spent in connection with the medical department of the Administration. The balance standing to the credit of the Administration at the close of the year's operations was £3,591, as against £2,063 on the 31st March, 1913. At Nine Island the revenue for the_ year amounted to £2,491, being £188 less than that of the previous year. A sum of £3,068 was expended, or £748 more than in the previous year. Necessary public works are being pushed on, and a sum of £1,569 was expended under this head. Trade, etc. In the Cook Islands the volume of trade has been well maintained. The value of exports for the year ended 31st December, 1913, was £109,926, as against £101,708 in the previous year, an increase of £8,218. The total imports for the same period amounted to £110,283, as against £93,812 in the previous year, or an increase of £16,471. It is satisfactory to note that the goods imported from New Zealand proper have increased in ratio with the general increase of imports. The value of our goods imported during the year was £83,096, as against £73,704 in the previous year. The total amount of goods imported Zealand into the Cook Islands and Niue during the year amounted to £93,868. Health of the People. The Medical Officers have taken every opportunity of visiting all outlying islands, where the general health of the people was found to be good, though it is not to be denied that there is much work to be done by the Medical Officers in the eradication of certain diseases. The benefits of the hospital are fully appreciated, and the institution has been practically full throughout the year. Hurricane. A severe hurricane passed over several islands of the Group in the early part of this year doing considerable damage to crops and buildings. Immediate steps were taken by the Administration to alleviate distress from shortage of food. The Assistant Medical Officer, in company with the Engineer visited all the islands affected, and food-supplies were left where necessary" Plantations are now. however, making a quick recovery, and on the whole the additional labour occasioned by the hurricane has beneficially affected the general health of the community. M. Pomare.