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Weedon Domain. Reserve No. 1596, Block XV, Rolleston Survey District. Area, 48 acres 2 roods 17 perches. Work done during year : Fences trimmed and repaired. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, plantation, bathing-pond and shed, and cricket-pavilion. Used for cricket and picnics. West Melton Domain. Reserve No. 3789, Block XI, Rolleston Survey District, Area, 10 acres. Work done during year : Hedges trimmed and plantation cleaned. Improvements now on domain : Fencing and plantation. Used for cricket, football, and picnics. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Tending plantation and replacing failures in trees. Winchester Domain. Reserves Nos. 2402 and 2449, Block XIV, Geraldine Survey District. Area, 42 acres 1 rood. Work done during year : Californian thistle and gorse grubbed, hedges trimmed, new gates erected, seats and stiles renewed and painted. Improvements now 7 on domain : Cricket and tennis pavilions, tennis and croquet courts, plantations, fences, hedges, and two windmills. Used for tennis, croquet, cricket, football, and shows. Portion leased. Proposed operations for ensuing year : General maintenance. Woodbury Domain. Reserve No. 1544, Orari and Geraldine Survey Districts. Area, 126 acres 2 roods 33 perches. Work done during year : Pavilions and tennis-court repaired, 200-gallon tank erected at hall, and drains constructed. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, draining, ploughing, Coronation Library Hall, two pavilions with dressing-room and lavatory, two asphalt tennis-courts, concrete cricket-pitch, concrete bath, roller, and plantation. Used for sports, school picnics, tennis, cricket, bathing, garden fetes, and general recreation. Portion leased. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Top-dress tennis-court, repair pavilion, paint hall, grub gorse, trim hedges, and general maintenance. Woodend Domain. Reserves Nos. 2134, 2539, and 3728;, Rangiora Survey District, _ Area, 268 acres 2 roods 3 perches. Work done during year : Marram-grass and trees planted, fences and trees trimmed, and general maintenance. Improvements now on domain : Fences, levelling, trees, cricket-pavilion, asphalt tennis-courts, pump, artesian well, concrete tank, and pipes. Used for picnics, football, cricket, tennis, sports, and as a playground for children. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Planting marram-grass and trees, levelling ground, trimming trees and fences, and general improvements. Portion leased.

OTAGO LAND DISTRICT. Albert Town Domain. Section No. 5, Block IV, Lower Wanaka Survey District. Area, 81 acres. This domain is under the control of the Commissioner of Crown Lands, Dunedin. Leased on a year-to-year tenancy. Alexandra Domain. Sections Nos. 1 to 23, Block XI, and 1 to 22, Block XII, Town of Alexandra. Area, 10 acres 2 roods 5 perches. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, two asphalt tennis-courts, pavilion, and plantations. Used for football, cricket, hockey, sports, tennis, and general recreation. Alexandra Town Belt Domain. The Town Belt, Town of Alexandra. Area, 157 acres. Improvements now on domain : Fencing. Used for grazing. Allanton Domain. Block XIII, Town of Allanton. Area, 7 acres and 33 perches. Work done during year : Top-dressing. Improvements now on domain : Fences and plantation. Leased for grazing. Proposed operations for ensuing year: Renewing portion of fence and erecting new entrance-gate. Arrowtow 7 n Domain. Section No. 38, Block VII, Shotover Survey District. Area, 6 acres. Work done during year: Burning grass and ploughing. Improvements now on domain : Tennis-court and wood-and-iron shed. Used as tourist resort, and for cricket, tennis, football, hockey, sports, picnics, and military encampments. Proposed operations for ensuing year: Planting trees and effecting general improvements.