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Temuka Domain. Reserves Nos. 307, Town of Temuka, and 1561, Block XVI, Opihi Survey District. Area, 183 acres. Work done during year: General maintenance. Improvements now on domain: Boundaryfences, iron wicket-gates and double gates for vehicles, caretaker's house, tennis-shed, drinkingfouritain, swimming-bath with dressing-sheds, grandstand and offices, four tennis-courts, cycling-track, cricket-ground, bowling-green and pavilion, croquet-court, and hockey and football grounds. The domain is largely used for picnics and various sports. Proposed operations for ensuing year: Removing overgrown and unsightly trees and replanting ground. The Domain Improvement Committee will probably complete its scheme for the improvement of the domain in two or three months. Portion leased. Timaru Domain. Part of Reserve No. 102, Suburbs of Timaru. Area, 8 acres 1 rood 18 perches. Improvements now on domain : Grandstand, bicycle and dressing sheds, bicycle-track, caretaker's cottage, and iron fence. Used for sports, football, and band concerts. Leased to the South Canterbury Caledonian Society, which has effected the improvements on the domain. Tinw 7 ald Domain. Part of Reserves Nos. 2378 and 2275, Block XVI, Westerfield Survey District. Area, 230 acres. Work done during year : Concrete wall built at end of swimming-bath, pine trees felled and sold, ground to be replanted with English trees, eradication of noxious weeds, and general maintenance. Improvements now on domain : Gorse, wire, and macrocarpa fences, pipe and open drains, grandstand and booth, three rooms for offices, pavilion, plantations, shrubs, tennis-court, lakelet with boat and boat-shed, swimming-pond, and sports-track with dressing-rooms and office. Used for picnics, cricket, tennis, boating, bathing, and general recreation. Portion leased. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Old buildings on racecourse to be removed to sportsground and utilized for offices, refreshment-booth, &c, and if funds permit erect a caretaker's cottage, fencing, and put concrete floor in bath. Upper Riccarton Domain. Reserve No. 3926, formerly part of Rural Section No. 68, Block X, Christchurch Survey District. Area, 6 acres 3 roods. Work done dining year : Fencing, ploughing, levelling, erection of pavilion, dressing-room and conveniences, and two asphalt tennis-courts laid down bj- the tennis club. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, pavilion, conveniences, and two tennis-courts. Used for sports and tennis. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Well to be sunk, gorse hedge to be removed and replaced with rail and wire-netting fence, iron gates to be fixed, and frontage to be laid out with shrubs and flowers. Wahi Takaro Domain. Reserve No. 3716, Block VIII, Teviotdale Survey District. Area, 55 acres. Work done during year- : Trees planted, shelter-shed enlarged, and cement floor and chimney added. Improvements now on domain : Two squares fenced off with wire netting and planted with trees, water-supply, and shelter-shed. Used for picnics, camping, bathing, and as a rifle range. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Planting trees, erecting conveniences, and general improvements. Waiau Domain. Reserve No. 3505, Block XIII, Waiau Survey District. Area, 38 acres 3 roods 34 perches. Work done during year : Noxious weeds kept down and fences repaired. Improvements now on domain : Fences, gates, dressing-room, pavilion, tennis-courts, and plantations. Used for sports, tennis, football, and picnics. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Planting trees, clearing noxious weeds, and fencing. Waikakahi Domain. Reserve No. 3459, Town of Morven. Area, 4 acres 1 rood 15 perches. Work done during year : Repairing fences. Improvements now 7 on domain : Tennis-court, trees, and fencing. Used for tennis and grazing. Proposed operations for ensuing year: Repairing fences, grubbing gorse, planting trees and erecting fence to protect same,' and ploughing. Wainui Domain. Section No. 727, Block VII, Akaroa Survey District. Area, 1 acre 3 roods. Improvements now on domain: Fencing, drains, trees, and grassing. Used as a children's playground, and for sports and picnics. Leased. Waitaki North Domain. Reserve No. 2915, Block 'XIV, Waitaki Survey District. Area, 57 acres. Work done during year : Cutting, g.rubbing, and burning gorse and broom, and straining fences. Improvements now on domain: Fencing, gates, well, windmill with fittings, pump, trough, and plantation. Used for sports and grazing. Leased. Proposed operations for ensuing year : General maintenance.