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Sefton Domain. Part of Sections Nos. 3135 and 6675, Block IV, Rangiora Survey District. Area, 14 acres 2 roods 16 perches. Work done during year : Concrete cricket-pitch laid down, and 10 chains wire netting erected. Improvements now on domain : Pinus insignis plantation fenced in; flagpole, twelve garden-seats, pavilion, tennis-courts, concrete cricket-pitch, well, pump, concrete trough, and conveniences. Used for football, cricket, sports, tennis, and picnics. Leased. Proposed operations for ensuing year : General improvements. Sheffield Domain. Reserve No. 2377, Block XIII, Oxford Survey District. Area, 20 acres. Improvements now on domain : Fences, plantation, pavilion (with fireplace, table, and forms), seats, judge's stand, ticket-office, conveniences, tennis-courts, concrete cricket-pitch, runningtrack, and produce-shed erected by the Agricultural and Pastoral Association. Used for sports, cricket, tennis, hockey, football, trotting, military encampments, and picnics. Leased. Proposed operations for ensuing year' : Trimming fences, grubbing gorse, and general maintenance. Sheldon Park Domain. Reserve No. 3881, Blocks 111 and VII, Christchurch Survey District. Area, 8 acres. Work done during year : Ploughing, harrowing, grubbing, scooping, and sowing down in grass, draining, planting, and fencing, w 7 ell sunk, pavilion erected, and cricket-pitch laid down. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, trees, pavilion, well, cricket-pitch, and grassing. Used for' sports, picnics, cricket, and general recreation. Proposed operations for ensuing year: General maintenance. South Malvern Domain. Section No. 1388, Block VII, Hororata Survey District, Area, 22 acres 3 roods. Work done during year: Draining and fencing. Improvements now on domain: Fencing and draining. Used for sports. South Rakaia Domain. Reserves Nos. 2442 and 2986, Town of South Rakaia, and 2537, Block XIII, Rakaia Survey District. Area, 156 acres. Work done during year : Fencing, levelling, repairing fences, buildings, and general maintenance. Improvements now on domain : Fences, well, pump, horse-yards, saddling-paddock, racecourse, swimming-bath and dressing-sheds, office, concrete cricket-pitches, running-track, rustic seats, and about 130 acres of plantation. Used for sports, picnics, races, and general recreation. Proposed operations for ensuing year : General maintenance. Portion leased. Spotswood Domain. Reserves Nos. 3714, 3157, and 3851, Spotswood Village, Block IV, Cheviot Survey District. Area, 14 acres 2 roods 27 perches. Work done during year : 5 acres sown down, in permanent grasses, wire-netting fence erected on boundary, and plantation fenced. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, iron gates with concrete posts, and plantation. Used for football, cricket, and general recreation. Portion leased. Proposed operations for ensuing year: Planting trees and fencing. Spreydon Domain. Part of Rural Section No. 76, Blocks XIV and XV, Christchurch Survey District. Area, 17 acres 2 roods. Work done during year : Ground cleared, ploughed, and cropped, old tree-stumps removed, and filling-in carried out. Improvements now 7 on domain : Fencing, clearing, and Coronation Hall. Proposed operations for ensuing year: Levelling ground for football, cricket, &c, treeplanting, and fencing. Leased. Springston Domain. Reserve No. 2362, Leeston Survey District. Area, 10 acres. Work done during year : Hedges cut, gates repaired, and trees felled. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, sod bank, building, asphalt tennis-court, concrete cricket-pitch, and plantation. Used for cricket, tennis, and general recreation. Leased. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Felling trees. Templeton Domain. Reserves Nos. 2351 and 2418, and part Rural Section 1807, Block IX, and part Rural Section 1680, Block XIII, Christchurch Survey District; and part Rural Section 2737, Block XVI, Rolleston Survey District. Area, 245 acres. Work done during year : Noxious weeds kept down, fences maintained, buildings and gates painted, and general maintenance. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, avenue of trees, tennis-courts, croquet-lawns, running-track, concrete cricket-pitches, entrance-gates, seats, and conveniences. Used for grazing, picnics, military encampments, and general recreation. Portion leased. Proposed operations for ensuing year: Replanting failures in plantation, cleaning borders, and general improvements.