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Waimea-Kumara Water-races.—Mr. James Rochford, Manager. Waimea Bace. The cash received for sales of water from this race for the year ended 31st March, 1914 IT fa, «no"in ijthe expenditure on management, gauging, maintenance, and repairs amounted to £609 10s. 4d., showing a credit balance of £263 15s. on the year's transactions llie average number of miners supplied with water during the year was 285, a decrease ? so* °l • P r€v \ ous ff; and the approximate quantity of gold obtained by them was 1,625 oz., having a value of £6,337 10s. The sales of water amounted to £843 18s. 9d., an increase of £77 17s. 2d. on the previous year. Ihe sales of water would have shown a much larger increase but for the repairs being carried out to the flummgs and tunnels on the race. 8 The cash received for sales of water showed an improvement of £125 19s lOd and the expenditure an increase of £18 16s. 3d., as compared with the previous year. The approximate quantity of gold obtained by the miners was 22 oz. greater than during the previous year, representing an increase in value of £85 16s. J ' P During the last seven months of the year there were only four parties using water at Tunnel terrace, but their returns were quite up to former years, and there is still a large area of payable ground in the locality, and no, indication of a falling-off in the demand for water th. Jil reP t air An°o ? G Vi, aim !?; Water - race were completed to Tunnel Terrace in June, and, as the work cost; £300 less than the original estimate, I recommended the Department to grant an additional £300 and carry out the repairs to Ballarat Hill. This work was completed early in November, and the sales of water from the Stafford section during the last five months of the year showed an increase of over £28 per month. The whole of the Waimea Water-race from the outlet end of the Waimea siphon to the terminus at Ballarat Hill, including Branch B, a total length of about Welve milef,i s now in excellent order, and the cost of maintaining this section, bar accidents, should be small for years to come. Lmklater and-Morgan have started the formation of their pipe-line from the old original terminus of Branch B across the Waimea Creek to Scandinavian Hill. The siphon will be 73 chains in length, and composed of wrought-iron pipes 22 in. and 18 in. in diameter The contract for making the pipes has been let to Mr. James Brayshaw, and the whole work should be completed in four months. Authorized free water to the value of £32 16s. 3d. was supplied from this race during the The following is a summary of the revenue and expenditure of the Waimea Race for the year ended 31st March, 1914: Sales, of water, £843 18s. 9d.; cash received ,£m 5 4d expenditure, £609 10s. 4d.; approximate quantity of gold obtained, £6,337 10s.; average number of miners employed, 28-5. ' dve iage Branch Bace to Callaghan's and Middle Branch Flat. The cash received for sales of water from this race for the year ended 31st March, 1914 was S(?in w expenditure on management, gauging, maintenance, and repairs amounted to £500 10s., showing a credit balance of £34 12s. on the year's transactions amounted The average number of miners supplied with water from this race during the year was 17-83 an increase of 4-25 on the previous year; and the approximate quantity of gold obUined by them was 1,098 oz., having a value of £4,282 4s. 8 ooiamea oy The sales of water amounted to £550, an increase of £115 15s. lOd. on the previous year • and the approximate quantity of gold obtained by the miners was 79 oz. less repTesentinl a decrease in value of £308 2s. ' a After the repairs to the Waimea Water-race were completed it was found that a number of the flumings on the Callaghan's Race were in a most dangerous condition, and Mr McConnon and a small staff of men have been engaged for some months past in effecting urgent repair^ Three parties were engaged sluicing into the Waimea Main Tail-race during the Tear the ground operated on being that auriferous area at Middle Branch Flat which Jf a +i? J SMIt dCTi "'™ of the H ™- K — £*JI2S2 s Authorized free water to the value of £10 was supplied from this race d„ri,,» rt Eree7clSe antity °' "" * th^wfimt Taii-rTce slle^X,^^enditurf SSfiS?' *" * * value of gold obtained, £4,282 45.; average number of L 7 SaP a PP roxlmate

9—C. 2,