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Tiie Mont DOr Gold-mining Company has proceeded steadily with sluicing operations, and the results have again proved satisfactory to the shareholders. A new face has been opened out, and the results therefrom have been good. Information received by me indicates that the miners engaged at Donoghue's, Squatter's Terrace, and Redman's Gully are obtaining satisfactory results from their respective claims. The reefs in the vicinity of Cedar Creek and Mount Greenland have received some attention A quantity of quartz has been treated, and the results have led to the formation of a company. Operations in the future will be watched with keen interest. Okarito Subdistrict. Mining operations in this district have been practically at a standstill. Prospecting operations have been continued at the One-mile and Five-mile Beaches, and efforts are now being made to provide the necessary capital to work the existing claims. Reefton Subdistrict. During the year 1912 mining in this district was set back considerably owing to labour troubles, ,and, though during the past year conditions have greatly improved, it cannot be said that the industry has as yet regained its normal state. In the Wealth of Nations Mine developments have been considerably restricted owing to the limited supply of labour, which is totally inadequate and for the most part of inefficient quality. Stoping has been carried out on all levels from Nos. 7 to 11 inclusive. In the Blackwater Mines developments have been carried out on Nos. 4 to 6 levels, and stoping has been carried out on Nos. 1 to 5 levels. A dividend of Is. per share was declared, payable on 31st December, 1913. With regard to the Progress Mines of New Zealand (Limited), the labour shortage has been very pronounced during the past year, and necessitated the hanging-up of twenty-five stamps throughout the year. A reef in No. 35 east crosscut, No. 10 level, was struck during the latter part of the year, showing good value, but its full extent and nature will not be known until further development is carried out. The New Big River Company has had another prosperous year, and the payment of monthly dividends has been maintained. A large sum was spent during the year on new winding plant, compressed-air hoists, and rock drills, and also in providing some thousands of feet of piping for conveying compressed air from the surface to all parts of the underground workings. The Keep-it-Dark Mine employed about sixty men during the year. The shaft was sunk 150 ft., and an intermediate is now being opened up for the block of stone the shaft was sunk for. The quartz opened up is 26 ft. wide, but the length is unknown. The operations of the Murray Creek Gold-mining Company have been held up owing to the reef being located on the boundary of the claim and dipping away into the adjoining Golden Fleece Claim held by the Consolidated Goldfields of New Zealand (Limited). The Millerton Gold-mining Company had fourteen men employed during the year, and much useful work was done. Perotti Bros, have finished sinking their shaft at Golden Point, and have completed a drive of about 500 ft. to the west. An alteration in their plans has been necessary owing to an abrupt change in the nature of the ground. They are now opening up old workings with a view to having a survey made to ascertain the best course to take to pick up the reef. Other parties operating are the Just-in-Time Gold-mining Company at Capleston, St. George Gold-mining Company at Big River, Pettigrew and party and the Luck-at-Last Syndicate at Victoria Range, Bolitho Bros, at Lankey's Creek, Bierwirth and party at Maori Gully, Saraty's Syndicate at Blackwater, D. Absalom and McEwin and party at Waiutu, L. and F. S. Willis at Black's Point, and Kenning and Knight at Reefton. The Blackwater Extended Gold-mining Company has been carrying on operations during the year on its claim situate to the north of the properties held by the Blackwater Mines (Limited). A. main-shaft site has been selected and surveyed, and water is now being brought on to this site. A dray-road and incline tram are being laid off to give access from Waiuta. It is estimated that the main shaft will require to be sunk from 1,500 ft. to 2,000 ft. in order to cut the Blackwater line of reef. One new find is that of Avery and party in the Painkiller district, and a syndicate has been formed to work the ground. Many prospecting licenses were granted during the year, and in a number of cases vigorous prospecting has been carried on. The Consolidated Goldfields are pursuing prospecting operations at the old Scotia Mine, and intend this year to sink the shaft 300 ft., and cut two chambers. The same company has also been prospecting at the Anderson's Tunnel and Perseverance properties. Very little alluvial mining has been carried on in the district, although a few new claims were granted during the year. The prospects for the coming year are much better, however, as it is intended to carry out sluicing operations on a large scale at AVaitahu. The only dredge now successfully operating in the district is that of the Worksop Company at Hinau. This dredge continues to win remarkably good returns. Messrs. Hessey and Cameron's dredge at Capleston was working during the early part of the year, but sank' later. The Blackwater dredge has sunk, but attempts are about to be made to raise it. The Slab Hut Creek dredge at Tawhai was worked for a while without result, and has now ceased operations. The Frying-pan dredge at Cronadun was working during the year, but the returns were not sufficiently satisfactory, and it also has ceased operations.