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Earnscleugh No. 3 dredge sank in the paddock, due to suddenly springing a leak from some cause not so far known. The machinery was removed from the sunken pontoons, and they were refloated, docked, and repaired. Machinery is now being placed in position, and the dredge will soon be in commission again. The industry has been free from serious accident, the regulations being reasonably complied with. MINERALS OTHER THAN GOLD. Scheelite. Prospecting for this mineral is as keen as ever, although the industry shows no marked advance in Otago. Operations are mainly carried on in the Glenorchy and Macrae's districts. Copper. No activity has been shown in developing the lode on which some work was done last year in Wet Jacket Arm, Dusky Sound. Tin. The Stewart Island Tin and Wolfram Company, incorporated last year, have pushed on work with the tramway leading from Pegasus Harbour to the mine. A jetty has been built, and about two miles of the three miles of tramway required completed. The company intend to work the alluvial flats and also the lode formation. Limestone. The Milburn Lime and Cement Company produced 39,137 tons of limestone from the works at Milburn and Dunback. Marl. The output of marl from the Milburn Lime and Cement Company's pits at Burnside amounted to 7,843 tons. Phosphates. The Ewing Phosphate Company treated 11,000 tons during the year. ACCIDENTS. Hydraulic Sluicing. Fatal. 10/5/13.—A Chinaman named Wong Hong, working in the Nokomai Sluicing Claim, got his foot caught in the suction of the elevator. The man died six days after from blood-poisoning. 26/11/13.—Charles Adams, employed on Adams and Weir's Claim, Maerewhenua, was killed by a stone rolling away from the working-face. Serious. 17/5/13. —S. B. Carpenter broke his leg, caused by slipping when carrying a casting in the claim.