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Macrae's. the yif'rum;d7usMnr^ ( f° ld T* battor * after 80me alterati <™ ""ly in valuL The o™ \avS to g h T undoub tedly made in the recovery of the scheelite 0 the scheelite conten S g V finel f. °™ sh ; ed to save *c gold values, sets up considerable sliming No 3 levels TW SOm ?, tim f the battei 7 ™s obtained from slopes in No. 1 and admin nlthe Deen un P ayable ' and Mention is being directed to the ground adjoining the Deep Dell property. Several small leaders exist in this aria and the o-ride frnrn - a scheelite point of view, is high in some of them. Eleven men are employed.' g ' owneS Th P °rtt ?Tl C (the G ° ld and Scheelite Proprietary Company, Limited 7at thlS mmc haS under g° n e a complete overhaul. A new frame ™S IK% l l°u yentllatln g Purposes. The depth from the surface at this is 60 ft No ore-body has yet been met with. Work has been temporarily suspended. P ° it Jt7eo":J:i:^z~ This mine has been oio - d d °-> ■»* *» ?«****. are ** TheSKnotTetKS! 6 ""* P-pecting-drive has been driven 220 ft. Forbes Mining Syndicate. -Prospecting-work is still being carried on by this syndicate. Nenthorn. saZd #*'# /7a*. water-power when available is continued. J disclosed. Surface-prospecting with Symes and Party.-A syndicate has been formed to test Grey's reef from which . M amount of gold was obtained from comparatively shallow wSh I?£ considerable continuation of this reef into the slip co/ntry, and" sluicing iTtheSioc! to hi " P *" Bannockburn. quantity from the Royal Standard suSm wf S. I , ntermdl.te lord, and a small difierei periods. Thl level ft£ Hd'SX * a of a -ff season to keep the five-stamp battery going was obtained frl an fpencut on h tEVf "*" fcms «««* Ledmgham's Quartz-mine .—A considerable r • P } Te ? L the winter by this party. The mine is now closed down VlRg d ° ne duHn S CromweZZ. 4Zfo Mining Syndicate.—This syndicate holds the mineral nVhts n f +h ■■, *, *-, pany, and also that of the old Come-in-Time Comnanv v original Alta Cornis commenced on the outcrop of th CSn Tme eof l m 7 a \ bMn , refitted ' and work the Alta section, and a trial crushing of stone was taken out. P ros P ectln £ »»• been done on Macetown. Tbe block of stone in the down several feet in the hope of the stone t°Z f* A Wlnze Was continued shoots at irregular intervals" and also mTdtffi'Jik P C™ V V* 8 mine in Garibaldi section : This section was not worked during the ylar Tl nTT dlBa PP ointin gquantity of stone was mined on this reef nT ,rl „„ M ** I V " Natl °ns section: A where ii is carted a mile to the battSv.' The onl°v *" from months. carting can only be earned out in the summer
