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Cumberland Group of Mines, Merrijigs.—The Consolidated Goldfields Company is carrying on some further prospecting in the old Scotia and Cumberland Mines, and have bailed out and repaired the Scotia shaft, with the object of driving at the 300 ft. level. The Merrijigs reefs have been rich on the surface, but have never been mined to any depth, and the present operations should therefore give some valuable information about this portion of the field. Progress Mines. —Work has been carried on continuously throughout the year, but the ore mined has been of very low grade. The surface deposit of conglomerate referred to in last year's report proved on trial to be of very low average value, although in places it gave very good prospects. Early in December a prospecting-drive in the main south fault of No. 10 level struck a body of ore of good value, and, although it is yet too early to say much about this find, it appears at present to be a very solid body of ore. Should this prove to be the case it will give a fresh lease of life to a mine which for some years now has been steadily declining. Bonanza Claim. —No work has been done during the year. New Discovery. —No further development-work has been done. A small crushing of 20 tons gave 2 oz. 4 dwt. of gold. Work has now been abandoned. Keep-it-Dark Mines. —Mining and treatment of very low-grade ore has been carried on throughout the year. The main shaft has been sunk for a further distance of 150 ft., making the total depth 1,385 ft. The reef has been struck in the No. 9 level, and an uprise connected from No. 9to No. 8. Between these levels there is a strong body of ore, and so far is of good average value. Wealth of Nations Mine. —Mining operations have been continuous throughout the year, 23,661 tons having been treated. A small mullocky reef was struck in a crosscut west at No. 9 level, and was driven on both north and south. No further development-work has been started from the bottom of the shaft, and nothing of great importance has been added to the ore-reserves. Golden Fleece Mine (Consolidated Goldfields). —No work has been done during the year, but a drive has been started from the Wealth of Nations to connect the two properties. Bolitho Bros. —This party has been working steadily during the year, and has treated 868 tons of cement, with payable results. Murray Greek Mines. —The development-work in this mine resulted in the discovery of a fine body of ore, but this was found to be right on the boundary of the Golden Fleece Claim. Negotiations with the Consolidated Goldfields Company have been in progress for some months, and in the meantime work at the mine has been suspended. The battery has been put into repair, and is now ready for crushing. Anderson's Beef. —An option on this reef was taken by the Consolidated Goldfields Company, who have employed four men in driving and crosscutting during the ye&r. Some quartz has been obtained, but so far no solid reef has been struck. New Ulster. —No work has been done for the year. Pride of Beefton. —This is the old Sir Charles Russell line of reef under a new name. One of the drives put in many years ago has been reopened and cleaned out and the reef tested at various places. Although good values were obtained at one or two points, I am informed that the average was very poor, and work has been suspended for the present, while an attempt is being made to raise capital for further work. Blackwater District. Blackwater Mines. —This company have had a fairly successful year's work, having produced £82,224 worth of gold from 45,053 tons of ore. One dividend, absorbing £12,499 125., was paid during the year. Nos. 5 and 6 levels are now being driven north and south, and in both the reef is being followed, but is of.small average width. Preparations are being made to continue sinking the main shaft. Millerton Mine. —Development of this property is in progress, and during the year the shaft has been sunk 70ft., and plant has been installed for sinking a further 250 ft. A good deal of necessary surface work has been completed, and the opening-up of the mine should now proceed more rapidly. Nothing more is known as to the value of the reef than was known a year ago, the future of the mine depending entirely on the result of the present sinking operations. Prohibition Mine. —This property adjoins the Blackwater Mines to the north, and that company had it under option for a time and did considerable prospecting-work upon it, both from the surface and from the No. 2 level of their own mine. This option lapsed, and a new company has been formed to work the mine. Preparations are being made to sink a main shaft 2,000 ft. to catch the northerly pitch of the Blackwater reef. Blackwater South (Absolom and party). —This claim adjoins the Blackwater Mines on the south. It was supposed that the Blackwater reef would run through it, and considerable work was done on a track which appeared to be about in the line of that reef. In driving on this track a few boulders of quartz were met with, but nothing encouraging, and it is most probable that this is only a fault-line carrying a little dragged stone. There are two other small outcrops on the lease, but not enough work has been done to enable them to be judged. About the best that can be said of this claim is that it is worth prospecting on account of its location, but that the work done so far has given very disappointing results. Several other areas have been prospected in the Blackwater district during the year, and numerous reefs are known to exist, but no discoveries of any value have been made," and the number of men engaged in prospecting is steadily diminishing.